Simp Chat Paislee Prince / Eden Gross / Grannygirlfriend // paisleeprince1


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 29, 2024
Paislee Prince / Eden Gross / Grannygirlfriend // paisleeprince1

Onlyfans Content thread:

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Tiktok: @eden.gross got banned I think
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Pics so there's no confusion:
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Tier 2 Sub
Apr 1, 2022
Can somebody help me understand the psychology for sluts like this that put in zero effort and scam people with falsely advertised PPVs and fake/stolen content? Like, i'm not trying to overcomplicate it but i do find it kind of fascinating—frustrating, but fascinating.

Unfortunately i fell for her trap when I subbed a few months back when i first saw her bouncing her tits on tiktok. Didn't feel like waiting for leaks / the leaks i found weren't great and i thought maybe she had better stuff if i bought PPV. Stuff she sent on PPV was literally same shitty 10 second clips i had already seen leaked, not to mention the "descriptions" she gave me were totally bogus, and i chatted shit on messages and ended up getting blocked. (when i say "she" i am of course just referring to whoever is answering her messages, it is clearly not actually her).

I guess the strategy looks like this:

Step 1: crank out dozens of videos where you just bounce your braless tits around over and over and over on TT/IG. Step 2: people see your amazing braless tits and want to see them fully uncovered, so they search and find out you have an OF. Step 3: get a revolving door of subscriptions from people who have fallen into the trap of step 2. They'll cancel when they realize it's fake garbage, but ten more guys are right behind them ready to subscribe as well. Step 4: In many cases, get an additional revolving door of income from pathetic fucks like myself who incorrectly believe you have actual good content on PPV and pay you $60 or some shit just to see a few iphone 6 quality pics and video clips. If they didn't already unsub, then they will now. Or in some cases they're fully autistic and keep paying you thinking it's actually going to be good next time. Rinse and repeat.

That does make sense. But the part that i get hung up on is, and i know this sounds naive, but why not just actually go through with making more/better/real content on OF? Wouldn't you make even more money from people sticking around and paying your PPV prices over and over and staying subbed for months? What is the actual disconnect there? She already has loads of pics and video clips of her actual bare tits so she's not trying to keep anything secret per se.

So then, what, is it literally just as simple as laziness? Or is this SUCH a passive form of income at this point that she can just live comfortably and spend 15 mins making some bouncing titty tiktoks and call it a day?

I always wonder if girls like this also have other sexwork income – i figure she lives in LA, surely she's also a high end escort, right?


Tier 2 Sub
Apr 1, 2022
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Here's the extent of her real content: topless pics and very short topless videos (like, 10-12 second clips). Also, it seems like she creates new content very infrequently, just re-sells old content to new subscribers, rinse, and repeat.

Here's the extent of the scamming: just like so many other OF accounts, it is very obviously not run by her. Therefore, you are not going to get honest communication and the person who is answering the messages will do/say whatever they have to to get you to buy PPVs.

ME: "Hey do you do BG content?"
THEM: "yes bby special PPV just for you, this is my most exclusive content. full nude."
ME: "Ok, so... it's BG content, right?"
THEM: "yes bby"
NARRATOR: "It wasn't."

Then when you reply and call them out on the blatant lie, the response is the OF classic "i sent you what i'm comfortable with sending, don't be rude"

But by far the most egregious scam she's done (as far as i'm aware) is selling PPVs of a pussy pic claiming it's hers but it is actually a different OF girl's pic. There's proof of her doing this two separate times but i'm sure she does it all the time and there are just people who are too dumb to realize.

Myself and others have reported her for this and it's really fucking infuriating how difficult it is to hold these fucking assholes accountable for scamming people like this. There's basically no immediate action you can take and she gets to just rake in the money by selling pics of another girl's pussy, claiming it's hers.

Worst part is her PPV prices are insane, so it's not like you wasted 5 bucks, you wasted 70. She sucks, her personality sucks, her content sucks, she's a scammer, and the ONLY reason anyone gives a shit about her is because she has nice bouncy perky titties. That's what her entire existence boils down to. Bouncy tits. And by the time she's in her thirties nobody will give a flying fuck about her.


Tier 2 Sub
Jun 27, 2022
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I can smell the resentment seeping through my phone screen. We all mess up, friend. It's ok to cry. Let it go. Go outside and play with your cat or dog.

Does anyone here remember BunnyButt? Hot girl-next-door vibes from about ten years ago, several videos of her floating around online. I paid 80 bucks for a video and never got it. When I called her out on it she blocked me. This was pre-OF days...2015. This ain't nothin new brother. Some girls suck and you shouldn't give them money. Tale as old as time.
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Dec 15, 2023
It appears her gay "bf"/roommate/whatever the skinny redhead dude put her onto this scam in the first place. He was known for scamming gay guys on OF via multiple accounts and aliases, same idea - basically reposting twitter pics and always promising more but never delivering - I saw this mentioned the internet. He probably put her up to it, she bounces her tits a few minutes a day and it appears they are actually pulling down a significant income - enough to support a nice life in LA - via this churning approach. As others have commented, she doesn't even run the account it's literally almost completely passive income for her with the details of communication etc outsourced. I have to wonder what the long term will look like for her, she's beautiful but surely this can't last forever... can it? lol

A fascinating social experiment to watch for sure.


Dec 15, 2023
It appears her OF is down right now. Maybe due to being reported? In fairness to Eden, she likely has no idea the fake pics were being used. But she probably wouldn't care either way so long as the cash keeps flowing.
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Tier 2 Sub
Apr 1, 2022
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Glad someone else finds it fascinating as well. I realize i came across salty in my other posts above (i am, indeed) but despite being enraged by the scam, i do find the whole thing to be quite interesting for the exact reasons you've described. Funny you mentioned "wonder what the long term will look like for her" and then shortly after you've noticed her acct. is banned/down. I think that's roughly the answer here, eventually it'll be hard to keep it going if she keeps blatantly scamming people and getting flagged (when i say "she," i just mean whoever manages her account). So it'll be a tug of war between keeping her TikTok and Instagram in good standing to generate fresh leads, and keeping her OF in good standing to keep making the cash. I'm quite curious what the recourse is if she gets banned from OF, as far as i'm aware you have to give them your tax info etc. to verify ID so it won't be as easy as just opening new account.


Dec 15, 2023
If in fact OF bans her (a last resort, they're making money off her ass too!) - there are other "OF-like" sites she could migrate to. But that's not really sustainable either. I have to wonder if she has any (other?) marketable or employment skills lol.

I realize I'm thinking about it too much but yeah it's just somehow intriguing to watch this play out. She seems to come from a stable/normal-ish family and everything lol, I wonder if she's just a total airhead scammer or a genuinely weird, sexual person?