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Simp Chat Ophélie Bau - Discussion Thread

Cockflesh Golem

Mar 11, 2022
Main thread:
Decided to make this as it was sorely needed given how much off-topic discussion is prompted in the main thread by the uncertainty around the conclusion of the Mektoub series and the language/culture barrier leaving her already sparse output quite a bit less accessible than most. I'll get around to writing up a quick rundown on where things stand with Mektoub later on to save the newly-Ophéliepilled some time and effort and keep the main thread clear.

Apart from the updates on Mektoub and anything else of hers that looks promising, I figure that this might be a good place to coordinate a bit with any French or French-connected folks here as to what would be the best sources for accessing French film and TV and the like (torrent sites, other forums like this, etc.) given how difficult finding anything of Ophélie's beyond the Mektoub stuff has proven for me and others (non-French) that I've spoken to (for example, she has a show on Canal+ called BRI starting soon that could be worthwhile, but info on it and ideas about how to access it (thank you region locking) are scarce in English and my French is negligible (though I hope to change that)).
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Alright then, here's where (as far as I know) things stand with the future of Mektoub. I am aware of how autistic this behemoth of a post looks, but I'm trying to be thorough enough to prevent this thread from just degenerating into an exchange of the same couple of fairly easily-answered questions about the series. It mightn't be totally clear, but that's because the situation isn't totally clear. All that being said, I welcome any contribution of info that I've missed.


After over two years of silence about the film after the last word from Kechiche about a re-cut at the end of 2019, the tweet screencapped above (both it and the account are now gone) was posted and this prompted the biggest surge of information about what Kechiche has been doing/is doing since 2019. There was gossip prior to this tweet, but nothing with this kind of weight behind it (the guy's a famous director himself and says that he has a trusted source saying that it's coming soon). Not long after that, we got this tweet.


It's from a journalist referencing the chatter about a new release talking about some rumours that he's heard about it (that the cunnilingus scene is still in the film but reduced from thirteen minutes to one minute and that the third part is on track and has a long scene in a hospital). We then got this article.


It claims that the film's runtime has been substantially reduced from over three and a half hours to just over two hours and that it's been restructured to be more like the first film (with an emphasis on Amin's character) than the sprawling nightclub extravaganza that was shown at Cannes. The article also mentions the rumour about difficulty with paying for the music rights which had been circulating prior.

A month or so passes, and Kechiche makes his first public appearance since 2019 (to my knowledge) and there speaks about Mektoub (also the first time since 2019).

He talks about how he's still working on editing the final two films of the Mektoub trilogy (they were shot simultaneously), about regretting showing Intermezzo in an unfinished state and about how he never would've screened it if he'd known about Ophélie's boycott of the screening. He also made the big revelation that the cunnilingus scene behind so much controversy was simulated all along and the perhaps bigger (though unsurprising) one that he has no intention of ever releasing what was shown at Cannes regardless of what the future holds for the series. It seems that what's going on is that with the huge mass of footage that he has, despite almost certainly heavily featuring footage from what was "Intermezzo", he's re-christened his sequel to Canto Uno "Canto Due" (which was originally the name of the final part) and rechristened what was Canto Due as "Canto Tre".

And finally, the latest news that I've heard on any release is the piece of speculation below published at the beginning of this year.

To sum up (with a bit of my own thoughts):

1. While it's not certain that we'll get a release, the news from Kechiche himself late last year is definitely a ground for hope. Everything is filmed, so stuff like Ophélie not wanting to work with Kechiche again (which she's said in an interview) isn't an obstacle. There's the problem with the money for the music rights and the actual how of how it's to be re-edited and so on, but those don't seem to be insurmountable. The latest developments make it seem more like a question of when than if.

2. While we don't know what we'll get if we get anything, I'd say that there are also some grounds for cautious optimism on this front too in the face of the controversy and Kechiche's own talk at the end of 2019 of editing Ophélie out of the film altogether. First of all, there's the basic fact that Ophélie's character is so central to the film (second only to the protagonist, Amin) especially with regard to what we know about the plot of Intermezzo (she's pregnant by the man she loves but engaged to a man that would kill that man if he found out and the nightclub scene leading to her being eaten out in the bathroom is a means of numbing herself) that it seems so unthinkable to do without her (as has been expressed by people reacting to that news) and that it was all just bombast from Kechiche. Supposing that Kechiche remains the auteur of his past works and that the tweet that I linked to above is trustworthy (they were after all right that Kechiche hadn't given up), it seems like what Kechiche is going for is ultimately fidelity with a bit more restraint (with regards to runtime, scene duration, scene economy, etc.). The idea of a cunnilingus scene of reduced duration is self-explanatory and the mentioning of a hospital scene could have to do with Ophélie's character's pregnancy. The news about the scene being simulated may also be a blessing in disguise as it really lowers the stakes with regards to the controversy behind it (though some people may be skeptical about it like they were with the sex scenes in BITWC). I could be wrong and guilty of some wishful thinking and all of this time could have been devoted to truly radically overhauling the film with editing to remove Ophélie, but given the likely heavy constraints coming from it all already being filmed and Kechiche's fixation on Ophélie and the ironies of her sexuality in the first film (Amin is a fairly silent spectator protagonist and a likely surrogate for Kechiche himself and to some extent the viewer), I don't see that being likely. Given what we know about Kechiche, about what the first film was and about the direction of the series suggested by what we know of the second film (and what the at least partially-credible rumours suggest), I think that it's not unreasonable to expect something roughly in the same league as the first film coming from all this. Does it suck that we'll likely never see the Cannes cut? Sure, but given how good the first film was and given how starved of Ophélie content we have been and are likely to remain, I think that an outcome like that is a great win.

3. With regards to the aforementioned "when", it's unfortunate that to my knowledge we still basically have nothing concrete to go on. There's the speculation above for something this year, but who knows what they know. While hope has been proven to be still alive after all this time, we are, at least for now, to my knowledge, still in for at least a bit more waiting and uncertainty.
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Just thought that I'd take the opportunity to make good on part of what was mentioned in the OP and let people know about Captvty, which may prove useful in the future for accessing stuff that Ophélie's in. It basically allows you to download videos of shows from French TV (being outside of France, I needed a VPN, too) and I've used it to get those videos of her recent TV appearance posted in the main thread as well as her short film "Fake" (which I haven't shared due it basically showing nothing of interest to this forum). It's pretty simple to use even for a non-French speaker.

Also thought that I'd share a recent teaser of the aforementioned "BRI".

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Sorry for the long silence after the B.R.I. premiere (both with getting the B.R.I. stuff into the main thread and making this post which I intended to post not too long after my post in the main thread), I have been a bit busy.

First of all, B.R.I.'s about what I expected so far (i.e. there's eye candy, but nothing Kechiche tier or close enough), though there's time (four episodes over two weeks) and perhaps opportunity for something more (most likely a little, but not too much if so). The screenshot below (almost certainly from an as-yet unaired episode), for example, has me a bit excited. Similarly, a user on the Ophélie subr*ddit that I've been lurking on a bit in the past few days talks about an episode synopsis that mentions a drunken celebration (perhaps related to that scene of her looking a bit flirtatious in the teaser) and a review that mentions a touch of romance. It's obviously far less to go on than a photograph given how tame that could all easily end up being in practice, but it's still something. Keep your fingers crossed, I guess (though obviously manage your expectations given that it's a cop show and not a romance film directed by Kechiche).


Finally, I wouldn't normally ask in a place like this, but given how difficult it seems to be for people to access the show (if that subr*ddit is any indicator), would people be interested in me just sharing whole episodes? There are no English subs at this stage, but Ophélie is pretty much always in tight jeans or something similarly flattering to her curves and her lower half conspicuously makes it into frame a lot so there's a decent amount of stuff that I didn't really consider substantial enough to post but that was seized on by a user in the aforementioned subr*ddit for a nice little video montage, and there'll likely be more (I'm no whiz at that kind of thing, and am not as interested in it as I am in more focused, extended scenes, but I thought that it'd be good to give others here the option). I don't know whether it'd be better to share via DMs to anyone interested or via this thread (as it's not really content, though it contains it), or even whether people in general are really having a hard time accessing it, but I just thought that I'd mention it anyway.
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Well, that episode six was a mix of the expected and unexpected (making up for five which was pretty uneventful). The wrestling in the tights was both expected and pretty nice, but that shower scene blindsided me. Obviously pretty tame compared to Ophélie's best, but it was certainly something (obviously weaker than Mektoub, certainly noticeably better than in Vaurien and all in all nice even if a large part of that is due to how little stuff of her there is). I don't know whether we should take comfort in the fact that every hint of sex in that series is relatively tame (inferring that it's mere coincidence that Ophélie was filmed as she was and that it was not her doing) or be pessimistic about it (noting how it's part of a pattern of reduced explicitness characterizing the very few sexy scenes that she's done since Mektoub and inferring that she's consciously avoiding being sexualised by choice of roles). I might use this thread to sum up my thoughts on the matter of what I think about her future in another speculative, turboautist infopost soon. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for next week's eps (though I imagine that we've hit a sexiness ceiling) and a speedy editing + release process for Kechiche.

And finally, here are the six episodes that have been released. The final two air next week, and I'll try to add them ASAP. It'll be interesting to see if the series gets renewed given how divided opinions on the show are (Allociné has critics giving it 4/5 but audiences giving it 2/5).

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Alright then, episodes 7 and 8 have been added to the folder (they were added on Monday as some likely saw, but I forgot to announce it here). Similar mixture of surprise and met expectation to last week: surprised that we got more sex scene type stuff at all and that they seem to pay disproportionate attention to Ophélie's character's romantic/sex life (and arguably also even to her body in general with the gym stuff) in giving us even more scenes, though not surprised that they're keeping them fairly tame. I mentioned the mixed signals with regards to the show's reception in my last post, so I don't know what the future holds for it.

I also figured that I'd take this opportunity to kind of sum things up as to where things stand now like I did with the Mektoub situation as things will likely get fairly quiet here for a while given the pace of Ophélie's career. As with the Mektoub post, it's just a combination of public knowledge and some reasoning and speculation of my own that I make no claims of any great insight or originality for. Also like with the Mektoub post, it's primarily of use to people who are in the dark because they've just discovered Ophélie or have never paid much attention to her beyond her stuff in the content thread, though I suppose that it's also just useful to compile some (mostly fairly common) thoughts and commit them to writing so that they can be more easily assessed and/or discussed. Needless to say, as with the Mektoub post, I'm aware of how autistic this behemoth of a post looks too, but that can't be helped.

First of all, with regards to news of upcoming projects, there's not a whole lot. She has yet another short film (half of her listed projects on IMDb are short films, to which her music video appearance could arguably be added making it more) awaiting a release, along with a role in a (mini?)series adaptation of a famous series of historical novels called Fortune de France. The only description that I've read of Fortune de France (the adaptation) doesn't make out that her role is huge (though it's big enough to mention in promotional material, I guess), but it does mention "love stories" briefly (hooray...). It's meant to air on France 2 if that means anything to anyone here more in the know about French TV than I am. This has me interested (concerned) as to whether this marks a turn of her looking towards (potentially regular) television roles and whether French television is less sexualised than French cinema given what we've seen of BRI. While not quite directly Ophélie related, Kechiche is meant to be filming a new film that's unrelated to Mektoub this (French) summer. I believe that there were rumours of it last year and Kechiche has mentioned wanting to work on other stuff (alongside talking about wanting to finish and release Mektoub), but it's now more concrete and confirmed. It could mean more money to help with the editing and release of the rest of Mektoub, or it could mean that in spite of what he's said, he's just moving on. Let's pray that it's the former.

Now, to the elephant in the room: after all this time, and her career going the way that it has, can we expect her to do any serious nudity or even something approaching her performance in Mektoub again? Well, the situation obviously looks pretty grim for a number of reasons, but it's not totally hopeless yet. Make no mistake: I'm not trying to spread false hope or telling you to be optimistic (I remain quite pessimistic in spite of all the qualification that will follow), all I'm saying is don't give up just yet. I'll present the three strongest points against us getting anything serious from her again, along with a bit of evaluation of them. To cut a long story short, they're all concerning, but not at all conclusive.

First and most obvious of all is that the situation with Intermezzo has been followed by what amounts to a more or less total reversal of her on-screen habits of sexualisation, going from borderline pornographic to basically nonexistent. The inference that she is consciously declining to be sexualised any further as a result of her bad experience with Kechiche is plausible, but not ironclad. To begin with, there's the fact that her career (like most of the Mektoub cast's) hasn't been that long or busy as she's been in fewer than twenty projects (and as was mentioned, about half of them are short films) since her first role in Canto Uno which does seriously limit any opportunities. Second of all, coming closer to the issue, while there is admittedly a language barrier, the emphasis in everything that I've read from her (and her agent writing on her behalf in the immediate aftermath of the incident in response to Kechiche's claims) has been on Kechiche breaking his promise of letting her see the scene before it was screened. Obviously this implies some anxiety around that especially intense scene (she also talks about not agreeing with what was shown in its entirety, but not being wholly opposed her role in the film), but it does not in itself indicate a problem with sexualisation per se. In addition, she's just remained remarkably quiet about it in general and has outright said that she wants to leave the incident behind her. Perhaps the most alarming thing on this front is her mentioning in an interview that she was partly responsible for the (unbelievably tame) sex scene in Vaurien (the director who didn't want to be a dictator to his cast invited her to co-direct it, choose camera angles and costume) and that she thought that it was nice for her to be considered and for her not to be forced (again, not mentioning anything about sexualisation or nudity directly). This is probably the worst piece of information on this front and while it was a case of a director offering her something, and can be further qualified by noting that this talk of the scene was tied to the sex scene serving a particular purpose as the display of love and tenderness (as opposed to a more passionate lust) from the murderer protagonist, who knows if that experience gave her some ideas. While that obviously doesn't look too good, it should be kept in mind that the French don't necessarily view nudity and sex on film in the same way as Anglos and that she defended her depiction in the first Mektoub film when it came out and was called misogynistic. On that note, you can look at actresses like Léa Seydoux (who had a somewhat similar experience working with Kechiche which she's publicly complained about a fair bit) who gets naked on camera very often, or even Adèle Haenel (who is a pretty vocal, radical feminist) who got naked fairly often (before quitting acting). It's also probably worth noting to wrap up on this point that while she's an admitted tomboy (with her long love of boxing, mentioning preferring to hang out with boys in school, etc.), and thus likely not super keen on just being some kind of sex symbol, she was a beauty queen before starting acting and seems to continue to model to this day (and they're more conventionally sexy photos instead of weird arty stuff: see some of her most recent IG pics for examples as well as some of the pics in the main thread), which seems to indicate that she's still happy to profit off her looks to some extent even if she has greater ambitions.

Second and perhaps less obvious ties into the aforementioned slow pace of her career. It's something that I've personally given surprisingly little thought to until recently: her age. Ophélie turns thirty-one in July and this is a bit of a worry with the possibility of her wanting to have kids/get married or even (God forbid) hitting the wall, and how these and the constraints around them tie into her career. While nine years seems like a long time (taking forty as a kind of cutoff, as in it's both pretty likely that she'll be at least a fair bit less attractive at forty than she is now and that if she wants to have a kid, she'll probably feel that she has to do so before forty which would both greatly limit her ability to work for a while and likely pretty negatively impact her body), when you consider how little she's really done in six years in addition to these extra constraints around her age, it's a bit of a worry, and one that was certainly not needed given all the other ones. True, to my knowledge, she's not given any indication of wanting kids and/or a husband yet, and whenever her personality comes up in interviews she mentions her tomboyishness and freespiritedness, but it's not hard to find examples of women claiming to never want any of that having serious changes of heart and consider the assumption fairly reasonable until proven otherwise. In keeping with my aversion to spreading false hope, I'd like to address how the career thing also presents something of a problem in that, in my humble opinion, the defense that it could be that she's done so little sexy stuff because she's had so few opportunities to do anything at all is, while not incredibly persuasive, nonetheless likely partly true and difficult to dispose of. Obviously this isn't any kind of science, but I would like to try to limit it by fixing a certain point in her career that once reached with no more nudity can be taken as an indicator that there'll be no more that's comparable to a direct admission from Ophélie that there won't be any more nudity because she refuses to do any more or that there won't be any more because she's retiring from acting, or simply the fact that there won't be any more (good stuff) because she's no longer attractive for whatever reason, etc. I'm leaning towards going by a certain number of projects without sexy stuff as that indicator more than a time deadline given the pace of her career, but it's arguably somewhat complicated a bit by the amount of short films she does and the question of the size of her roles and how reflective of her career trajectory they can be taken to be, so how all that would factor in presents a bit of a problem. I'm personally thinking of something like 6 - 10 more projects (with a higher number meant to account for the aforementioned factors) without any good stuff as the indicator that you should give up hope, but it is of course highly arbitrary, so make of it what you will.

Finally, we have the fact that Kechiche's highly-sexualised style of filming women's bodies, which is to a large degree responsible for Ophélie's fame is not at all common nowadays in France or anywhere else. Ophélie's obviously very pretty and she has the kind of curves that show quite easily through most kinds of clothing, and all of this would have likely brought her some attention even if she'd never been in Mektoub, but Kechiche emphasized her beauty in a way that few filmmakers would and this is almost as big a part of the phenomenon as her looks and cannot as such avoid greatly influencing our hopes and expectations. Ultimately, given that she has no intention of working with Kechiche again (not that he has any kind of stable recurring cast anyway), it's highly likely that even if she does get naked again for someone else, it will simply be a disappointment. Going back to Léa Seydoux, while she does indeed get naked very often, none of it really holds a candle to what she did with Kechiche, with most of it basically amounting to her boobs being in view when she's engaging in some pillow talk or something. Comparing those kinds of scenes (cosy and intimate, talking face emphasized, with naked breasts merely being visible for authenticity) with Kechiche's clear obsession with the beauty of Ophélie's body (most obviously shots where there is no dialogue at all and the emphasis is on her arse for basically no other reason than to show her arse) or even just the ease and justifiability of visible boobs vs visible arses in a scene does makes one's heart sink a bit and makes the stakes with the future of the Mektoub series that much higher. Still, even if we take that anything sexy from now on will be less than what we'd get with Kechiche, we can't simply conclude that it'll necessarily be outright bad (Vaurien), a bit underwhelming (BRI) or nonexistent (seemingly everything else after Mektoub that's not mentioned). As the abundance of celebrity threads and the very active "Movie and TV scenes" thread on this very site show, as arguably supreme as Kechiche is with regards to cinematic eroticism, it's not as if he's the only person ever to shoot a good sexy scene.

So, to sum up, I'd say that for now, while we should manage our expectations and certainly not hold our breath, we shouldn't give up quite yet. As with the Mektoub post, I welcome any contributions and am happy to answer any questions with regards to what you think I've missed. As I said, it'll likely be quiet here for a while (though I hope that it won't be), but I'll be sure to post about anything significant here like Mektoub news or seriously promising new Ophélie projects ASAP and, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any info about BRI's future or Fortune de France though they're arguably less pressing matters.
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Alright, a small update.

First of all, unfortunately, to my knowledge, there's still been no development on the Mektoub situation since last year. Probably not too surprising given how this has all gone, but still worth mentioning to keep track of the time. On a (slightly) related note, Kechiche's filming for his new project in Sète should be underway soon if it's not already begun. Also, to get the (likely expected/obvious) unfortunate Ophélie news out of the way at the start, her film "Le marchand de sable" made it onto Yggtorrent and it has basically nothing of interest. There's also (on the topic of Sète) her new short "La Sirène se marie" that was released recently which seems to be more of the same.

Secondly, on the T.V. front, BRI has been renewed for second season. The writers had apparently planned for such a thing in advance and as such, in a recent interview, Ophélie makes out that she'll be getting to work on it fairly soon which bodes well for it releasing early-mid next year. She also mentioned in the same interview, that she finished filming for Fortune de France on the 21st of June. My initial pessimism about her role in it has been tempered somewhat by reading up on the book series on which it's based and finding out that the female characters, and Ophélie's character (Franchou) in particular are/is very heavily-sexualised (to the extent that it gets remarked on with disapproval on the Goodreads page). That being said, the guy behind the (T.V.) series made a series about Brigitte Bardot earlier this year which was apparently a fair bit tamer than you'd expect a series about such a sex symbol to be (though it apparently did have at least some nudity). I don't expect that they'll leave the horny '70s vibe of the author's work completely intact in 2023, but there's at least more promise here than I'd initially expected. Even if that amounts to nothing, if the second season of BRI's anything like the first (and it's very much hinted that it will be and that Ophélie's character personal and romantic life will be developed further), that's a decent if obviously not ideal outcome already.

Finally, news of a new short film of hers ("La grande ourse") comes with a mix of promise and red flags. The promise? See the pictures below for some of the least-clothed Ophélie outside of Mektoub. The red flags? It's apparently about violence against women and directed by someone who gives pretty iffy male feminist vibes (trots out a nice feminist spiel in the one interview that I've read from him and also signed a kind of #Metoo anti-Johnny Depp / anti-abuse in the French film industry petition ((along with Ophélie...)) in response to Johnny Depp's appearance at the last Cannes festival). I'm obviously not expecting too much even in the best case scenario (which I take to be something a little bit better than BRI), but this one seems to be a toss up between pretty decent and worthless.

opheliebau---CsgqVzVNdiwf74a02fe00def90a.md.jpg la-grande-ourse-214027d53b2f8fac6.md.jpg anthonybajon---CiYSbPSLH-G---02e5f0ffa121a23c4f.md.jpg anthonybajon---Cihdm5Irp2g---10e125d9d500bb9986.md.jpg anthonybajon---CiYSbPSLH-G---097b5593ef101c6229.md.jpg

So, not a whole lot, but still some potential on the horizon. I'd kind of written off Le marchand de sable from one look at the trailer and resolved not to count it, but if you do, that and La Sirène se marie add two strikes to the little record that I mentioned in the post above. As always, take it easy, but keep those fingers crossed.


Very bad timing for my post, but this article about Mektoub dropped within the last twenty-four hours. It doesn't really say all that much that we wouldn't be thinking given Kechiche's announcements last year and it (obviously) doesn't have the kind of (verified) authority behind it that Kechiche's announcements had (apparently this guy's a bit hit-or-miss with his industry gossip, so take anything that he says that's not backed up with something official with a grain of salt). He seems to go against what Kechiche himself said last year about releasing two more films in referring to the third film as the "trilogy capper", though it could just be that Intermezzo's status as a kind of "non-film" removed from the 'trilogy' is just making the terminology confusing. It seems hard to imagine that he'd either release a sequel to a film that will (according to him) never be seen again in his lifetime or scale back down to two films after all that he invested in expanding the series (selling off his Palme d'Or, filming what's meant to be an enormous amount of footage) and how abrupt the conclusion would likely be, but who knows.

Again, as always, take it easy, but keep those fingers crossed.
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No update? Is there atleast anything else coming of her? (I'm so pissed man she's 31, last years of her prime. I hate when actresses start doing all the scenes and all after they're past their prime instead of doing it while they are. That's why Sydney Sweeney is the GOAT 🤪)
No update on Mektoub since the "Kechiche's still editing" from July, very limited updates on the rest of her career. A brief teaser for Fortune de France (not featuring Ophélie) was released the other day, but it didn't say when the series would be released. Somewhat more substantially, but not as new (being from around the time that BRI was released iirc, but inaccessible to me until recently) or directly related to any projects of hers is an interview with her from the magazine L'Équipe talking about nudity in her line of work. She starts out saying that she has always considered nudity to be a part of her job, but then qualifies that statement to within an inch of its life, by talking about how poorly-handled the training that she received for dealing with it was, how things are little better in actual productions and how the ambiguity of directions needs to be cleared up (i.e. "what do you want me to do, what does my character do, and how do I feel about this?"). It sounds a lot like "intimacy coordinator" talk without the label and dovetails with the point(s) she made about the (unbelievably tame) sex scene in Vaurien, which I can't say fills me with confidence. Couple that with her role choices and she seems to have perfected a much-needed coomer repellent that will allow her to finally be taken seriously as an actress in short films that screen at a few French festivals and then evaporate into nothingness for eternity.

I'd say that there's good reason to be more pessimistic now than ever: we're approaching another year of silence on Mektoub (which itself, in spite of all of the what I take to be reasonable speculations above, ultimately remains an unknown in spite of how much hope there is riding on it) with the perfectionist Kechiche seemingly in no great hurry, and Ophélie apparently establishing a pattern of plodding along with mostly small roles in small productions showing us basically nothing. Damn shame that one of the most beautiful broads to ever indulge in serious cinematic eroticism seems content to just make the one (admittedly one of the best) serious scene (perhaps two given Intermezzo) and nothing else, but, of course, twice as bright, half as long, yada yada yada.
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Post in thread 'Ophélie Bau' https://simpcity.su/threads/ophelie-bau.10145/post-2697610

Where did this screenshot come from?
I first saw it on 4Chan a while ago with along with a claim that it's from Intermezzo. I highly doubt that it's from Intermezzo (as I replied to the post that you linked almost immediately in the hope that it would be deleted). The biggest mark against it is that the guy in the photo looks nothing like the guy we know to have performed in the scene (Roméo De Lacour, the dude on the left in the image below, whose moustache would be visible in such an image as the one taken as being from Intermezzo). I also vaguely recall (but could be mistaken about) a few of the various reviews describing the scene in ways that don't match the picture (lighting described as brighter and white, emphasis described as being on Ophélie's face and curves like in the sex scene in the first film, etc.). In short, it's almost certainly fake, but the lack of information about Intermezzo combined with wishful thinking means that it just won't go away.

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I first saw it on 4Chan a while ago with along with a claim that it's from Intermezzo. I highly doubt that it's from Intermezzo (as I replied to the post that you linked almost immediately in the hope that it would be deleted). The biggest mark against it is that the guy in the photo looks nothing like the guy we know to have performed in the scene (Roméo De Lacour, the dude on the left in the image below, whose moustache would be visible in such an image as the one taken as being from Intermezzo). I also vaguely recall (but could be mistaken about) a few of the various reviews describing the scene in ways that don't match the picture (lighting described as brighter and white, emphasis described as being on Ophélie's face and curves like in the sex scene in the first film, etc.). In short, it's almost certainly fake, but the lack of information about Intermezzo combined with wishful thinking means that it just won't go away.

Just like I thought. Too good to be true.
Any new updates about the movie?
Nada. It's been over a year since the last announcement from Kechiche now, too. Nothing much seems to be happening with her apart from it, either. You see updates on IG stories from people connected with her that her two recent short films are screening at French festivals and the like, but little from her (a pic or vid of her dog once in a while). As stated above, she finished filming Fortune de France months ago, but there's still been no announcement of when it's to be released. Similarly, there's little info on the second season of BRI other than that its been commissioned (unknown if it's currently filming, when it's intended for release, etc.).

Obviously a bad situation. To partially concur with what someone said above, looking as she does, she should have a career like Sydney Sweeney's (only sexier, smuttier and Frenchier).
Maybe a stupid question, but is there anyone significantly like her doing anything worth looking into? This girl is probably one of the two or three most beautiful that I've seen in my twenty seven years, so having such a small amount of content from her is a real pain. Not necessarily asking for a clone of her (though that would be ideal), but are there some other similarly natural, pretty (bonus points for having a face like hers), curvy, big-butted (bonus points for roundness and jiggliness like hers), Mediterranean type (mostly meant as in dark hair, dark eyes, tan, but bonus points for being French, Italian, etc.) girls out there making any content from acting to porn that I should know about? Obviously, most interested in someone who's legitimately similar to her in all the ways listed above, but I guess that capturing that "10" factor (similarly beautiful face + similar body) of hers, or just the similar body would be of interest to people here, too.

My contribution is Mikaela Lafuente. Pretty popular, but there's definitely a lot of similarity here, even if imho Ophélie kinda facemogs her and titmogs her.

Don't want to derail what has been a very informative thread on an elusive beauty, but I figured this kind of thing might be of interest to the folks here. I'll delete it if it's not.
Her scenes in Vaurien may not be nude but come on, I can't be the only one who is obsessed with her hair. The way she uses it in that scene is just so hot.
I understand entirely. She's just one of those broads who oozes earthy sensuality from every pore.
Maybe a stupid question, but is there anyone significantly like her doing anything worth looking into? This girl is probably one of the two or three most beautiful that I've seen in my twenty seven years, so having such a small amount of content from her is a real pain. Not necessarily asking for a clone of her (though that would be ideal), but are there some other similarly natural, pretty (bonus points for having a face like hers), curvy, big-butted (bonus points for roundness and jiggliness like hers), Mediterranean type (mostly meant as in dark hair, dark eyes, tan, but bonus points for being French, Italian, etc.) girls out there making any content from acting to porn that I should know about? Obviously, most interested in someone who's legitimately similar to her in all the ways listed above, but I guess that capturing that "10" factor (similarly beautiful face + similar body) of hers, or just the similar body would be of interest to people here, too.

My contribution is Mikaela Lafuente. Pretty popular, but there's definitely a lot of similarity here, even if imho Ophélie kinda facemogs her and titmogs her.

Don't want to derail what has been a very informative thread on an elusive beauty, but I figured this kind of thing might be of interest to the folks here. I'll delete it if it's not.
Yeah Mikaela's butt it's pretty amazing, a true beautiful bubble butt, even tho, I stil prefer Ophelie's big round butt over Mikaela's
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