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Support Moderation of posts


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Hi Mod-Team,

I hope to get some insights with this thread.
Yesterday i was posting in the "Best Pussy"-Megathread. My Post(s) there were moderated 2 times.
The first edit yesterday (around 1:45) was absolutely understandable to me. I had made two consecutive posts, which is why they were merged by a mod. True, is absolutely compliant with the rules and I will consider that in the future.
The second edit, however, I do not understand at all. The pictures and the name, as well as the linked simpcity thread of the pornstar were deleted from the post today around 12:55 AM without giving any reason.
So I wanted to ask if someone from the mod team here could explain the reasons to me. Is it undesirable to post in that megathread "pure porn actresses" even if they have a thread here on simpcity? Are there other reasons for the second moderation? I have read through the posting FAQs and the megathread rules and have not discovered anything that would explain this in any way. Would be great if someone with a little more insight could shed some light on that, so that i can do better in the future.

Thanks a lot.
The girl you posted:
The girl's thread you linked as social:
Not so much anymore. 🤣 Thanks.

Next time, it'd be great if the corresponding mod could give a reason.

Thanks for your time and replies.
That would be ideal if we could send out notifications everytime.
But in most cases, we just don't have the time because we are dealing with lot of shit, and when I say shit I really mean that sadly.

Also we know most of the users are just ignoring those notifications.

As I said, just repost it with the link I mentioned.
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