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Support missing posts


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 30, 2022
Last night, april 22, i posted a video bg content of taskin merve. the video from her onlyfans. i uploaded it to saint and posted that and i made back up link to upload on gofile incase saint being slow or over loaded.
I uploaded the files to a new gofile page
i see 135 people downloaded it...as the file is still there and not removed.
and this morning my post is gone.

before that i also noticed something on the cristiana love thread too. i remember that when i left for bed it had 8 pages and around 15 posts, and when i woke up the next moring it was back to 6 pages. not sure what happened ... but very surprised..

i have found that more posts of me have been vanished without i a get a message or notification that it was happened and why.

i want to know if someone has a grudge or so or jealouse or what ever it is... because this starts to be very annoying frustrating and not realy motivating to make more posts if they keep vanishing and special without a reason.
The taskin merve vid is being reported as fake because she never did BG and the watermark does not match her others with both different capitalisation and spelling.

The cristiana love thread was last cleaned on April 13 with multiple posts removed, either dead links or spam, this is just normal cleaning of the forum.

We dont always send notifications, if clearing multiple things from multiple threads at once its not practical to do so, there could be dead gofiles, eromes, spam etc. deleted all at the same time.

No-one has a grudge against you, please dont worry about such things.
i now get a reply that someone has reported it being fake. and see its deleted again

if someone would have told me that when they deleted it the first time, i would not have uploaded it again.. and saved me a lot of frustration.
anyways thanks for telling me now.

Ik know you guys clean dead links to gofile and ereome, but i dont use those as main links, only gofile as a backup or to ensure a lot of people can download it fast to give saint some relief.
I know links to gofile stop working.... but since i dont have an over view what posts i all made.. i dont know what files have been expired and there for cant reupload them.
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