• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations and are restricted.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and DONT ask for re-ups.

Asian Misanay | Misanay1 | Miiiiisa

近期都不会更新任何照片了,如果一直没消息就是不会回来了。 谢谢你们一直以来的关注,分享照片这么久,遇到这种事情只能说觉得很寒心,现在我已经退网了还请麻烦你们不要再来打扰我的生活了。 已经发了的照片是不会删的,留给大家。

google translate -
she's going on break / not posting anymore
It looks like she's permanently retiring and not just taking a break.
Her post roughly translates to (according to Deepl)

"I won't be updating any photos in the near future, and if I don't hear from you, I won't be coming back.
Thank you for your attention all along, sharing photos for so long, encountered this kind of thing can only say that I feel very cold, now I have withdrawn from the network also please please do not come back to disturb my life.
The photos that have been posted will not be deleted and will be left for everyone."

Google translate version:

"I won't update any photos in the near future. If there is no news, I won't be back.
Thank you for your continued attention. Sharing photos for so long, I can only say that I feel very chilled when I encounter this kind of thing. Now that I have logged out, please don’t disturb my life anymore.
Photos that have already been sent will not be deleted and will be left to everyone."
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