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Feedback MEGATHREAD Rules Unintended Consequence


O Captain My Captain
Mar 11, 2022
Overall, I agree with the MEGATHREAD rules. Thank you for taking the time to create them. But I've identified a potential problem. The rules require posting the thread or a social media link for a model in addition to a photo or video. No problem. But let's say I have quite a number of videos that fit the theme of a MEGATHREAD, and I'd prefer to link to a Bunkr, Gofile, or MEGA folder rather than create a number of individual posts in succession for each model in the folder (which is somewhat discouraged by the same set of rules). How should that be handled?
You don't have to create individual posts for each model. See this post:
The rules are in place to prevent people from dumping unsorted collections without a verifiable source.
Not the same. My case is that I have a Bunkr album of videos. And I'm not up for creating individual posts or even multiple individual links within one post. But it appears as if the admins are looking into the matter.
We added this:
Posts including album links with multiple different models must contain sufficient information to identify all the models posted
(e.g. model's social link, watermarks, names in files/credits, link to production company site).
Hey, planning on ripping some subreddits to grab some of the stuff hosted on Imgur before it's purged. If the following naming scheme is used on the files themselves, would that be OK to link to a Bunkr/Zip with 1000 odd files in?

%[title] - %[author_name] - %[subreddit_name]
Hey, planning on ripping some subreddits to grab some of the stuff hosted on Imgur before it's purged. If the following naming scheme is used on the files themselves, would that be OK to link to a Bunkr/Zip with 1000 odd files in?

%[title] - %[author_name] - %[subreddit_name]
No, because the author is not necessery the model herself and the title usually doesn't include any names.
So that format wouldn't give us any info about the models.
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