I agree with all your sentiments, I am part of a group who clears PPVs in a short t-frame. Thats why earlier I said its mostly a miss (80miss/20hit). The tease of 'full nude' is 'just a tease' because every1 i know said she does not reply to customs at all. I messaged her (w/tip) about custom but nothing. I messaged her again 'whether this is a bot', and she replied instantly. Week 1 was a goldmine ($100 ppv - baretits and nude vids/bare ass), week 2 has been a Letdown based on the unreleased pics I bought (insta-style pics of Booty + starting to advertise goddamn used attire). Regarding new list, there ain't 1, the $30 days are over, the minimum is $45 only because she discounted it 50% (thursday), most are now ranging in to 60-100 range+. Content is great for now, but pricing is currently near the $3k mark for 2-3 weeks of content.