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Randomly found this:

Quite sure it's her
Wow that is so bizarre.
It is, she posts about it herself here

Explains the on off with the media, i guess that kid that she has accelerated it.
I've seen this weird flip flop between porn and extreme religion with a handful of other pornstars before, I think Erica Campbell did the same shit where she would switch between I love jesus and making literal porn, I'm sure plenty of others do the same, wonder what is psychologically going on there, shit is so fuckin strange to me.

It’s taken years but I finally got you! You’ve resisted long enough! We both know your desire for me. There’s no denying it. You wake to find yourself tied to a chair with ME right in front of you in the tiniest pair of denim shorts and the tightest tank top you’ve ever seen. You can’t help but to instantly be aroused. I taunt you as I seductively tease you with my muscular tanned legs and giant tits. My ultimate plan for you is simple.. to drain you. And you aren’t going anywhere until that happens.

Of COURSE I’ll Pay You Back (Snap Sesh) I “borrowed” $500 from one of my favorite good boys last week to cover an unexpected bill. I totally forgot that I told him I’d pay him back. He waited a whole week without mentioning it but today he politely reminded me that I owed him the money. Silly boy. Watch as I used my perfect cleavage, a shiny necklace, and all of my other we@@pons of mass distraction to make him forget all about that messily $500. It’s so easy being me.

Love hot busty blondes? Love sneakers? Feel like playing a dangerous game? Then this clip is for you!

My ex hired you, a big shot divorce attorney, to try to negotiate the remaining terms of our divorce. He should know by now not to trust ANY man alone with me, even his own attorney. You put up more of a fight than most men, but eventually ALL men fall at the feet of Kendra Kennedy. By the time I’m done with you, I’ll have everything I want… And more.
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