
Bathwater Drinker
Mar 28, 2023
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Apr 6, 2023
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If you're still interested, I took a few years of Italian some years back so my ability is meh so it might not be very precise but it gives the gist.

"You all are disgusting and should be ashamed truly to write me these things, you all are sick fucks that think of only one thing. Ask it to all of your girlfriends or the people that are happy to quench the thirst of you all animals in heat. I am telling you now and I won't repeat it again I'm already tired of having to deal with donkeys. I won't open an OF, I will never make a video different than I usually make, I won't send any photos in chat. My purpose on social (media) and that of communication with those who truly follow me because they like me as a person and I want to be fucking free to wear a neckline without saying every time that I do it to attract attention. In fact you all know that I tell you all if I attract the attention of perverts even better so I can block them all without even making an effort to search. SO IF YOU HAVE THESE THOUGHTS YOU CAN UNFOLLOW ME IN THIS MOMENT, I DON'T CARE AT ALL ABOUT FOLLOWERS, I WANT TO LIVE IN PEACE AND CALM WITHOUT RECEIVING REVOLTING (has the word stomach in it so like puking/revolting) COMMENTS EACH TIME AND TO RECEIEVE PHOTOS OF THAT TO BE USED INSTEAD OF THE HEAD (not so sure about this section) because I'm fucking fed up, with love Kasumi"
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