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Simp Chat Kaisa / Raisa Riikonen - Discussion Thread

Old post from over the holidays. Anyone get a feeling she likes getting these dms (probably pics)? She always posts about their comments on her stories and the wording gives me that feeling. "Make them go more aggo".. "fortunately messages like that are nothing new".. have a feeling she's inviting it so she can read them.

Screenshot_20231220-2139123cf52aee1a16c09e2.md.png Screenshot_20231221-13263734c5f0825112dcbc.md.png
Old post from over the holidays. Anyone get a feeling she likes getting these dms (probably pics)? She always posts about their comments on her stories and the wording gives me that feeling. "Make them go more aggo".. "fortunately messages like that are nothing new".. have a feeling she's inviting it so she can read them.
shes a loves attention but posting that is stupid. all she did was make others realize they can get extra attention from her too sending this stuff. But she is dumb enough to think thats a good plan and giving attention to stalkers means more views
shes a loves attention but posting that is stupid. all she did was make others realize they can get extra attention from her too sending this stuff. But she is dumb enough to think thats a good plan and giving attention to stalkers means more views
She does the same thing when some coomer sends her a sexual message. She posts it on IG story so she can scream, "see I am a victim of the patriarchy!!!" The proper response is to just block and ignore like pretty much every other cute girl does on the internet. Cause if you bring attention to it you are just telling more creeps that you read all your DMs and they too can get attention by being creepy.

But she does seem to have a narcissistic streak, does love attention, and thinks she is popular now. She definitely probably googles her name and checks anywhere she is mentioned. She probably reads this thread. So Kaisa, make an Onlyfans or at least something already. This uwu crap won't last much longer and you might as well cash in. You clearly like taking hot pics and having guys drool over you all. You literally said on stream it boosts your ego.
If you watch her on Twitch she seems totally down to do sex work and feet content. She is always saying sex work is legitmate work and she feels she would be very good at it. She loves money and she is about as much of a socialist as Donald Trump. She took an ad for a gambling site and got backlash from her left-wing audience and got called a sell-out. She blames the evil capitalist system for why she loves money so much :KEKWlaugh: But she is very open that if guys want to be pay pigs for her she wants it. She said she had a guy saying he would give her 5k a month and she kept DMing him and then he never gave her the money.

Do I think she is selling stuff on the down low? Probably not cause I think she is very afraid of that getting leaked given her reaction to the AI porn of her. But she is very upfront that she isn't making that much money from this cringey uwu crap and LA is hella expensive. And she hasn't had any big breaks in 10 years of trying. I give it a month or two and I can see her making a BrandArmy/Passes/Fanfix to try and cash in cause the money would just be too good even from that. And I doubt she would lose commercial work from something like Passes.
She def loves money.. she should just cave to the capitalism she "hates" and give her audience what they want in a fanfix or something

she should focus on her
acting than this tiktok phase.
shes almost in her 30s lmao
She def loves money.. she should just cave to the capitalism she "hates" and give her audience what they want in a fanfix or something

Her answer is she can hate the system but still has to participate in it. She is just parroting Hasan who gives the same answer as why he spends millions on his house, cars, women, ect, while claiming to be a socialist. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Also does she know she is turning 31 in March? Her generation usually has their first house by now. She was born in the early 90s and is a Millennial. I think doing all those cringy anime girl TikToks has made her think she is actually 17 and a zoomer.
She is already in her 30s. I know she gets some commercials but acting jobs are probably not going to happen given her age. She would be much smarter to cash in on her minor TikTok fame and make an OF since she seems to be okay with showing her body and being sexual. She has dudes asking her to be her pay pigs. She has simps. Might as well make money from them.
Youd be surprised how much commercials can pay, if shes booking a lot she could have a really good income and then twitch etc on top of it
Her answer is she can hate the system but still has to participate in it. She is just parroting Hasan who gives the same answer as why he spends millions on his house, cars, women, ect, while claiming to be a socialist. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Also does she know she is turning 31 in March? Her generation usually has their first house by now. She was born in the early 90s and is a Millennial. I think doing all those cringy anime girl TikToks has made her think she is actually 17 and a zoomer.
31 ooof
doesnt own property
needs $$$ pretty bad
shes on the decline
But she does seem to have a narcissistic streak
Most streamers do. It makes them feel important and the center of attention in their little world (twitch / their stream). And even if its fake, nobody really cares what she is saying, her viewers are there because she's cute, she can convince herself she is somehow getting out a message with her rants, tweets and tiktoks.

I wonder what her plan is for the future? Continue on as small streamer barely making enough to cover bills and rent forever? Or more likely find a rich guy to marry her and pay for everything then conveniently forget all the socialist nonsense she says now?
Ironically, its the current system that she is complaining about that allows her to be a 30 yo with no job and still be able to only stream a couple hrs a week & spend all day making tiktoks for 16-20 year olds instead. Most people in the world couldn't survive doing that.
She doesn't see that. She just sees the flaws instead of how she greatly benefits from said system and her own privilege as a cute white chick who can make money from being a cute white chick. Her argument would be better if she pulled the Hasan card and whined about how it's not benefiting everyone(no system does) so he can still complain. But instead she mostly focuses on herself and that she doesn't have a house and isn't set up for life at 30 years old. Even though she mostly coasted through her 20s and is now finding success at 30 and is ahead of 99% of people in the world.

The message that capitalism is evil works much better from someone who has been fucked over by it. No someone like her who has only benefitted and comes off as whiny and entitled.
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Let's drop it! Right now we have a circle jerk where everyone thinks they have they get in the last word on the topic. It's over. Everyone got their points in. Now back to discussing her. And yes that also means people are allowed to discuss her in any way they want. That doesn't mean they hate women so drop that shit right now.
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