• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

News July News

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Hands up
Jul 3, 2021

During the last week or so, we've been working on improving the performance of the forum. We wanted to directly migrate to our custom solution, but for now this is not feasible, as it's going to take at least a few months to develop.

Before reading the changes, please know that everything is work-in-progress and will most likely be changed in the upcoming days.

Here's some FAQ:
  • Why the new style? - We didn't want to change the style, but due to compatibility issues with the new version of the forum, we were unable to directly add the previous style, instead, we tried to alter the design as much as possible to the old one, so you fellas don't feel off.
  • All user avatars are missing - we've imported all the data from the old database to a new one, so that the installation is clean and we don't have unused tables, columns, etc. and this took almost a full day. We wanted to start working on the new installation ASAP, so we deploy it earlier - thus why the avatars are missing (it's ~5-6 hours of additional importing and the full import took ~1 day). If a lot of people want their avatars back, we'll create a tool that will retrieve your avatar from the old database.
  • Nodes show limited results - it's highly inefficient for the forum to show all of the thread results per node (category) , that's why we have limited the exploration capability and now only threads that have been active during the last 30-40 days will show (we may increase it, if the performance is alright). All threads are fully searchable, this doesn't mean threads are missing! If you liked to explore new content that way - we advise you to move to our "Explore" page instead.
  • Multiple prefixes per thread are currently not available (but we have them saved) due to a slowdown from the developer.
  • Tags are missing missing - the addon needs an update from the developer and performance testing from us, then we'll add it again.
  • Tickets are missing - the addon needs an update, please use the reports for now.
The 3 months of lost data is not coming back unfortunately, we simply don't have it and no, we were not hacked/extorted or whatsoever (reddit liked to think that way tho). If we forgot to mention something, we'll answer it later in the support section or directly in this thread.

Background works on the custom simpcity site will continue and we'll deploy it when it's fully ready.

And yes.. we have fixed the issue with the data loss, so it never happens again. Sorry about that!

SimpCity Staff
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All requirements lowered by 20%, not specifying the Connoisseur requirements, since they're not public.
Due to the missing posts and reaction score, we have lowered the following group promotion requirements:

Simp Council:
  • 150 posts and 1500 reaction score

  • Requirements lowered by 20%

  • 1 post and 15 reactions

You might get occasional database errors, its a small issue that we'll solve in the upcoming days.

We've made all threads public, you don't need to be logged-in to view content, so to all the people that scrape our site - please, don't use logged-in users and we won't try to make scraping hard. :pepoLove:
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Some further information about known issues, ranks etc.

Known issues:
  • Upload images button does not insert images into posts - this is because jquery has been removed from xenforo 2.3 and the upload plugin script uses jquery so the script will need to be remade, we are working on this.
  • Forum Saint login is not working - this still needs to be setup on this new forum install.
  • Not getting alerts - you can view your unread threads on your watched list here, unread threads will have a blue dot alongside the thread title. You can try marking all forums as read to see if that helps.
  • Bookmarks - some people are reporting they are missing those from after December 2023, we're investigating.
  • Connected account logins ( google and yahoo are still available, discord and reddit are missing )

Unfortunately we cannot give you your old rank back, we do not know what it was, what your score or post count was and if we promoted some people it would be unfair on others and there are just too many of you to respond to. We're sorry.

We will tweak how the site looks and feels over time.

For the time being 'sort by reaction score' will not be available.
Simp Council members will also not be able to change username color.
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