Brazil Celeb Julia Garcia aka Ju Luz

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Mar 12, 2022
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Modelo e apresentadora brasileira, infelizmente parece que não faz novos conteúdos há alguns anos.

Queria muito encontrar mais conteúdo dela... Mas tá bem limitado!
Se alguém tiver, agradeço e muito!

Aqui está tudo que consegui achar dela, subi em diversos lugares pra ter backup.

Obs.: Os conteúdos são os mesmos, as vezes compactados.

Brazilian model and presenter, unfortunately it seems that she hasn't made new content for a few years.

I really wanted to find more of her content... But it's very limited!
If anyone has it, thanks a lot!

Here is everything I could find of it, I went up in several places to have backup.

Note: The contents are the same, sometimes compressed.

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