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Simp Chat Jenna Lynn Meowri Discussion Thread

The Mob is just a general group of people who kind of team up to go after someone, most of the time for no reason, or just unnecessarily oversensitive about something that no one else really cares about. Out trying to get people "Cancelled"
You sound schizophrenic. Anyways people are talking about Bunny Ayumi getting exposed by the rest of her cosplay group friends.

https://twitter.com/anyuser/status/1505096717812867072 here's her first twitlonger
You sound schizophrenic. Anyways people are talking about Bunny Ayumi getting exposed by the rest of her cosplay group friends.

https://twitter.com/anyuser/status/1505096717812867072 here's her first twitlonger
He doesn't sound like that, he just made it abundantly clear to me that 'The Mob' isn't a inside reference. I'm ironic only about 69% of the time I ask a question - this wasn't one of those times

Thank you both for the context <3
The Mob is just a general group of people who kind of team up to go after someone, most of the time for no reason, or just unnecessarily oversensitive about something that no one else really cares about. Out trying to get people "Cancelled"
wtf is this shit :KEKWlaugh: ? nobody uses "the mob" with that meaning :LUL

I'm actually disappointed you guys meant it as in "group of random people" . though there was more to this story :Sadge:
wtf is this shit :KEKWlaugh: ? nobody uses "the mob" with that meaning :LUL

Now that I think about it, 'Twitter Mob' or 'Twitter Outrage Mob' is definitely something I've heard. 'Cancel culture' and all that stuff.
'The Mob' was just a little too vague, especially for my underslept and Thot-occupied brain

I'd try to bring the topic back to Jenna but I just realized I'm here for the hot pics, not the hot takes
Now that I think about it, 'Twitter Mob' or 'Twitter Outrage Mob' is definitely something I've heard. 'Cancel culture' and all that stuff.
'The Mob' was just a little too vague, especially for my underslept and Thot-occupied brain

I'd try to bring the topic back to Jenna but I just realized I'm here for the hot pics, not the hot takes
If you are in for the hot pics what are you doing looking at Jennas pics? Might as well look ar a barbie.
They are right tho. The mob is real and will attack anyone in power. Its always the same kind of people.
Most people didn't take the drama very seriously at first. We gave the accused mostly the benefit of doubt, at least till receipts or people with credibility came forward. The video/screenshots provided by Layna was damning, but only seemed to revolve around Bunny.

That was until Bahroo made his tweet attempting to distance himself from the drama. Citing he wasn't involved.

When Strippin came forward citing Bahroo's involvement clearly disproving his earlier tweet. It kinda exploded.

Then came all the flubbed apologies/PR statements/counter statements made hours after making said apology.

At this point. [Apology here] is a meme now. Because most normal people that apologize, don't immediately say/do something that counters their statement. Nor do they attempt to immediately collaborate with the person that dug them into the mess in the first place.

Pretty much everyone involved and getting involved now is just adding more fuel to this trash fire of a drama. Furthered by more streamers coming out with their piece on their interactions with the accused.

Put another way. Where are all the friends/reliable credible statements defending the accused or uplifting their character? If only random internet groupies with no cred/skin in the game come forward. It isn't very compelling.

The best that can be done now is probably taking a mental health break and hoping people have short term memory loss when they get back.
It’s hilarious that jenna’s the one going on and on about Bunny & the situation. She’s doing exactly what she’s accusing Bunny of doing to her… being obsessed & talking shit.

the others involved have every right to speak out about what happened to them. Jenna on the other hand should keep quiet about it all considering she has the reputation in the cosplay community as being the mean girl/bully herself. Give it a year and all the girls will start coming forward about jenna

i also find it hilarious that Jenna was crying about Bunny saying Jenna buys her followers/likes/views. Any look at Jennas social media activity proves she has done so. She even bought views for Mizkif tiktok videos featuring her (24 million views for each vid lol) and then said “you should thank me for making your tiktok go viral and have me in more vids” to him on stream 😂
It’s hilarious that jenna’s the one going on and on about Bunny & the situation. She’s doing exactly what she’s accusing Bunny of doing to her… being obsessed & talking shit.

the others involved have every right to speak out about what happened to them. Jenna on the other hand should keep quiet about it all considering she has the reputation in the cosplay community as being the mean girl/bully herself. Give it a year and all the girls will start coming forward about jenna

i also find it hilarious that Jenna was crying about Bunny saying Jenna buys her followers/likes/views. Any look at Jennas social media activity proves she has done so. She even bought views for Mizkif tiktok videos featuring her (24 million views for each vid lol) and then said “you should thank me for making your tiktok go viral and have me in more vids” to him on stream 😂
I tell ya. She is the next one for sure.

You know what you did Jenna.
There's kind of a lot of context to the drama (and I'm sure it has already been said somewhere here), and a lot of it is honestly just petty bullshit. I'll try to summarize:
  • Following news of another vtuber getting "cancelled", Bunny_gif (ero model Bunny Ayumi) Tweets a vague thing about how she never wanted to "slight anyone" and encourages anyone who might hate her to to reach out privately to "move forward"
  • Multiple public figures (cosplayers and artists) who have been wronged by Bunny in the past are mad about this because Bunny has been particularly petty and nasty towards them, often to the point of trying to turn their friends/potential clients against them.
  • Of note is Layna Lazar, who was working with Bunny to develop and sell a figure. After a rather petty falling out, the figure is canceled and Layna is on the hook for $20,000 per their agreement. Despite this, Bunny continued to bash Layna to other people presumably to try to hurt her business.
  • Jenna, who has a history of conflict with Bunny, uses this opportunity to blast Bunny publicly and attempts to get other people to come forward with their stories of abuse with Bunny. She holds a stream where she shares Layna's story. She also compiles documents from other girls which detail their toxic relationships with Bunny (though she strangely has omitted her own story and has selectively ignored some prominent girls who also came forward)
  • Another person of note is Bunny's former ""partner"" Susu (ero model Swimsuit Succubus), who came forward essentially claiming that she was in an abusive relationship and her petty behavior towards other girls was because of Bunny's influence.
  • Bunny and her PR team have posted multiple apologies which were poorly received. In the latest one, Bunny posts receipts (mostly text conversations between her and Susu) to try to show her side of the story; these receipts don't really absolve her of much, but they show that Susu was more active in the petty and manipulative behavior than she let on.

To further clarify on Jenna's conflict with Bunny:
  • There's evidence of Bunny using various forums (such as PULL and KiwiFarms) to talk shit about Jenna. Namely to point out Jenna's various cosmetic surgeries (which at the time Jenna denied having), to expose Jenna for buying followers, and to push the narrative that Jenna had not been giving out promised rewards on Patreon (which I can personally confirm is true).
  • There's evidence of Bunny encouraging other cosplayers to copy whatever Jenna was doing in an attempt to one-up her
  • Bunny and Vtuber Bahroo (who is effectively Bunny's live-in cuck) were tangentially involved with a different drama involving allegations against streamer Arcadum, who was an associate of Jenna's at the time
There is probably more to their conflict that isn't public knowledge... but at a glance there doesn't seem to be anything which Bunny has done to Jenna that Jenna doesn't already do herself. It's known that Jenna polices forums, and it's apparent from the way she's been positioning herself in the drama that she has a vendetta.

Since these girls' public images are their livelihoods, they all supposedly have real stakes in this drama.
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Also i had never even heard of that Bunny girl before, but she's really attractive and has giant tits, which is all I really care about in this situation. But I don't think she has a OF or any lewd fansites?
Bunny Ayumi more or less retired from creating erotic content a couple years ago. She primarily used to sell content on Patreon, but she put out an official announcement that she was closing it down (I think this was around the same time that her and Susu "separated"). Lately she has been streaming as her vtuber persona (Bunny_gif); occasionally she'll post a new picture of herself on Twitter or stream with facecam, but she doesn't really create new ero content anymore.

Bunny's Patreon leaks have been pretty comprehensive, and you could probably find most of them on this site.

Jenna, for the most part, has been able to keep herself in line enough to avoid much public scrutiny. That being said, she's known for browsing forums and for taking disproportionate legal action towards people who portray her poorly. Up to you to determine what that means for the quality of online discussion you will find about her.

By Bunny's account, Jenna has been consciously ripping-off other models' poses and artwork. Jenna has also 'sniped' an artist that Bunny had worked with for banners, merch, etc. (If you have been following Jenna for a while, you may also recall that she had planned to commission assets to become a vtuber. I have a feeling that Bunny's influence was at play there too.)

End of the day Jenna doesn't really seem to be as blatantly toxic/manipulative/malicious as Bunny, but she clearly is petty, vindictive, and self-obsessed. And the little OF content she does put out is frequently disappointing (though the newer PPV videos that leaked are at least headed in the right direction, imo).
Bunny Ayumi more or less retired from creating erotic content a couple years ago. She primarily used to sell content on Patreon, but she put out an official announcement that she was closing it down (I think this was around the same time that her and Susu "separated"). Lately she has been streaming as her vtuber persona (Bunny_gif); occasionally she'll post a new picture of herself on Twitter or stream with facecam, but she doesn't really create new ero content anymore.

Bunny's Patreon leaks have been pretty comprehensive, and you could probably find most of them on this site.

Jenna, for the most part, has been able to keep herself in line enough to avoid much public scrutiny. That being said, she's known for browsing forums and for taking disproportionate legal action towards people who portray her poorly. Up to you to determine what that means for the quality of online discussion you will find about her.

By Bunny's account, Jenna has been consciously ripping-off other models' poses and artwork. Jenna has also 'sniped' an artist that Bunny had worked with for banners, merch, etc. (If you have been following Jenna for a while, you may also recall that she had planned to commission assets to become a vtuber. I have a feeling that Bunny's influence was at play there too.)

End of the day Jenna doesn't really seem to be as blatantly toxic/manipulative/malicious as Bunny, but she clearly is petty, vindictive, and self-obsessed. And the little OF content she does put out is frequently disappointing (though the newer PPV videos that leaked are at least headed in the right direction, imo).
She is knee deep in shit, you guys just don't know yet.
Also what kind of legal action can she take against random people simply discussing her in a forum? I mean she's an e-celebrity and puts herself out there, so obviously people will talk shit, all public figures have to deal with that, and the majority of people in the world with access to the internet have the right to freedom of speech, so I don't really see how she could legally get someone for libel or defamation unless it's an account actively trying to sabotage her livelihood in some way
Legal actions that she has taken against anonymous forum users and platforms are speculative. It is possible that she could put legal pressure on the sites' owners and moderation staff (and in cases where copyright content is shared, she can file DMCA's and whatnot). Admittedly, it is difficult to confirm legal action against such sites. From personal experience, she used to be rather quick to takedown copyright content (in fact, at one point I was DMCA'd for sharing content that was from her Twitter...)

It is more likely that she participates in falseflagging in the case of anonymous discussion forums. It is perhaps noteworthy that Jenna used to be frequently discussed on the PULL forums before they were closed (and of course she and Bunny and Susu were frequent participators there as well). After the site closed, a lot of PULL users migrated to KiwiFarms and created multiple requests for a threads on Jenna, but for whatever reason there seems to be no evidence of one ever existing there. Today on sites like Lolcow, discussion of Jenna seems to be quickly shut down, whiteknighted, or derailed (users often cite a "lack of milk"/lack of interesting drama for closing discussions... which may be the case, but this makes it difficult to have a comprehensive discussion of Jenna without referencing scattered posts across several different sources).

Though legal actions against forums are difficult to confirm, it has been confirmed that she has threatened litigation against people who have posted (unflattering) pictures of her at conventions in the past. She also threatened legal action against streamer Mizkif because of video footage that showed her being a drunk bitch towards him (I believe she actually accused him of sexual assault, but when her claims were determined to be unfounded [someone in the video had jokingly said "she sucked my dick!"] she admitted that she just wanted the video segment taken down). Mizkif and one of his associates were temporarily suspended as a result of this.
Another person who i'm shocked today to see a "before" pic of. I got to meet Jenna at a convention a few years back pre-covid just hanging out and passing in the hallway. She was super cool, we took some weird posed pictures where we basically did a weird russian squat style pose at her request cause she didn't wanna just take a boring side by side picture i guess even though we took one of those anyways, and I have them on my private social media (no i'm not going to share, don't DM me to ask, she wasn't wearing anything revealing at all anyways i'm not compromising who I am IRL on this forum) and we hung out chatted for a few mins, iirc we had a drink with her and her friends where we "toasted" the drinks we had plus there was a bar literally steps away in this hotel, but after some short time of chatting (maybe 5-10 minutes?) we parted ways and she seemed nice and the whole interaction was really chill.

I know she recently hired a "personal assistant" to help with managing her social media platforms like her OF, but I doubt we're gonna get any full nudity out of her. I haven't bothered to read into the drama going on, petty bullshit is exactly that, especially seeing as she's not directly involved in it and it's between 2 other people. I ain't got time for that kinda shit anymore.
all of this talk about "the mob", maybe if these women were smart enough to not be catty toxic hoes they'd avoid having to face consequences for their actions, it's as simple as that
all of this talk about "the mob", maybe if these women were smart enough to not be catty toxic hoes they'd avoid having to face consequences for their actions, it's as simple as that
I mean you're not wrong at all, but civility went out the window the moment we learned how to be anonymous on the internet...
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