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Support I keep getting redirected to a shady anonfiles site


Shisui of the Body Flicker
Mar 12, 2022
Everytime i click on the ginger pie content thread it sends me to a shady anonfiles site instead to the thread itself And i only get this with this content thread others one i don't get it
Do you get them when you open the thread or when you open some link like a pic in that thread?
Somtimes i get it when i checked watched treads and click on ginger pie most of the time it sends me to a anone sites warned by my anti virus
Just tried again and seems to be working fine
anonfiles will randomly try to serve me a .exe file or a .vhd file with the same name instead of a .rar file sometimes

I don't think it's malware on my end because no other site EVER tries to do that to me.
anonfiles will randomly try to serve me a .exe file or a .vhd file with the same name instead of a .rar file sometimes

I don't think it's malware on my end because no other site EVER tries to do that to me.
I stopped using it when it automatically tried to download .iso files as like a pop up

Alot of people seem to be okay with it but I will avoid it like the plague and will not listen to anyone who says its safe :KEKW:
I guess it's safe for people with the knowledge not to run a .exe file or open other potentially harmful files within their respective apps, but I would really like to see it banned out of principal. I don't feel like anyone here deserves malware just because they aren't tech savvy enough to avoid it.
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