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Support How to request for something you don't have any media from?


Oct 8, 2022
There is a video I remember from ages ago and I would like to see if some good hero knows it and has a source for getting it. The thing is I only remember the description or details about it but have no media to upload.
Is there a thread where you can ask this kind of stuff? I have been lurking the help and general forum section but I can't find any information about this or this question in particular.
If there isn't maybe we can open one, which could not only work for media but also models or other stuff.
Thanks for the info!
Thank you but I think my question was misunderstood or maybe I am misunderstanding the rules of posting in those threads, which I already use by the way.
What I was asking if there is a thread or place to ask for a video or star without having any media from it. Like the video I was looking for, I already tried googling and all that, I don't have the media, not even a screenshot, just the description of what I remember. I understand if there is no such a thread, because it can be really hard to get something just by description, but maybe there is and I have been missing.
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