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Support How to change the linkname to jpg4 album?


Mar 11, 2022
Recently my link to a jpg4 album was uploaded to the forum, now i have reuploaded the content and added another host. I am now trying to "kill" the old albumlink by changing the name on the album but the old link that another member posted is still uppdated in goes to the new album name.

So am i missing somthing obvious or i can't "kill" jpg4 links like you can with bunkr?
You cant rename an album to make an old album link not work, the bit of the URL thats used to identify the album is the random numbers and letters after the album name, for https://jpg4.su/a/goddess-sylvanas-21.YLIC4e its the YLIC4e bit that identifies the link.

You have to move everything to another album if you want to make the old link useless but I'll just delete the other guys post
You cant rename an album to make an old album link not work, the bit of the URL thats used to identify the album is the random numbers and letters after the album name, for https://jpg4.su/a/goddess-sylvanas-21.YLIC4e its the YLIC4e bit that identifies the link.

You have to move everything to another album if you want to make the old link useless but I'll just delete the other guys post
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