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Jun 4, 2022
Okay sorry if the wrong area, point me to the right one if so.

I have faceless nudes of someone, I purchased from her directly and consensually. I also know who the person is, so I have pictures of her face but clothed. What’s the best way to go about combining the two? Photoshop work (have access but I’m ass), ai/app?

Appreciative of any help thank you, will gladly post images for anyone willing to help.
Did you buy the pics from an Instagram model or someone you know personally?
Remember that you need to include a link to her social media profile(s) if you want to post it, would that be possible without doxxing her?
to quote the community rules & guidelines:
  • Child pornography, underage content (persons under 18), and any material depicting a child
  • Doxxing in any shape or form
  • Revenge porn*
  • Bestiality
  • Obscene content (scat, puke, rape etc.)
  • Virus or malware linking
  • Adf.ly links and links to other "pay for click" kind of websites.
  • Sexist content
  • Advertising (except the "Self Promotion" section)
  • Any kind of Discrimination
  • Personal threats
  • Terrorism
*Revenge porn: The perpetrator is a former partner who has chosen to share sexual images, which were initially consensually provided in good faith during a relationship.

if the person you bought the nudes from is not a sex worker and isn't actively selling pictures of her body in my personal opinion that would be doxxing her.
The mods might or might not ban you..
Did you buy the pics from an Instagram model or someone you know personally?
Remember that you need to include a link to her social media profile(s) if you want to post it, would that be possible without doxxing her?
I know her, but bought them through her on mygirlfund which she has since deleted, so understood thanks for the replies guys.
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