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Support Grabbing Images from Simpcity


Bathwater Drinker
Jul 26, 2023
I thought I saw a thread sonewhere a little while ago about some extension to mass dowload images on simpcity, specially made for simpcity. Cant find it back though, maybe I dreamed it?

If I dreamed it, which tool would you say is the most convenient and time efficient to use with simpcity, if I would for example would like to download all images? As a follow-up is there a tool as advanced that also scrapes all the links inside the thread and downloads the attached files there (bukrr, pixl, etc) in one go?
There's a few tools you can use, these are the main two

Python script which can download threads:

Tampermonkey (extension) script to download posts:
There's a few tools you can use, these are the main two

Python script which can download threads:

Tampermonkey (extension) script to download posts:
Thanks for the tips. I tried cyberdrop but that didnt download anything when I put a simpcity url in the list strangely enough, so assumed it was bugged.
Thanks for the tips. I tried cyberdrop but that didnt download anything when I put a simpcity url in the list strangely enough, so assumed it was bugged.
You have to add your login info somewhere, the github should explain where
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