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Support Friend cannot register


Aug 15, 2023
Hi all,

A friend of mine want to register here too.
He is trying for a month now to sign up but it still doesn't work.

How can it be that I could register and a week later he cannot?
I checked with him and we tried together if we could sign him up, he has an other IP address than me, but he and I cannot register a new account for him.

Can someone help me out with this matter of ours?
He would love to join SimpCity too.

Kind regards,
Hi all,

A friend of mine want to register here too.
He is trying for a month now to sign up but it still doesn't work.

How can it be that I could register and a week later he cannot?
I checked with him and we tried together if we could sign him up, he has an other IP address than me, but he and I cannot register a new account for him.

Can someone help me out with this matter of ours?
He would love to join SimpCity too.

Kind regards,
What error does he get?
What usernames has he tried to make accounts with?
Thanks for the reply POKI.

I've just asked him about the error and the username he wanted to use.
He let me know that today he was able to register here.
So the issue is solved.

Thanks for the support.
Kind Regards,
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