Pretending political beliefs matter is hilarious.
Here's the reality. All politics is theater, no has ever mattered, you are all just numbers on a white board. 90% of the promises presidents make go unfulfilled and the last 10% doesn't even happen until they are out of office because of how much the senate drags its feet on literally everything , you could literally argue "water isn't wet , it makes the area it occupies wet and there will still be one motherfucker that will stand up and say that's trans phobic or trump says says otherwise. Its not complicated, people like trumps ideas cuz they think they won't have to give as much money in taxes, people like Harris because they believe their personal ethics matter..
The reality is your sky wizard doesn't care about shit, the people who wrote your biblical texts lived in a time when huffing you shit fumes was a socially acceptable way to get high, they don't have the moral high ground...
Now here's what you do to be happy, don't watch the American news channels, 99% are talking heads speculating on things they don't know the answer to....
Now go be a real man or woman and piss or shit into the wind of a hurricane. Embrace the silly and be the reason someone smiles.