Question Download video from "Slushy"


I tip my hat to you, m'lady.
Mar 11, 2022
After a quick look, it looks like Slushy serves the videos as ts files from an m3u8 playlist, which can be downloaded using YT-DLP, it'll also combine the parts and spit out a singluar MP4 by default. There's no DRM on the free content but I can't say if the paid content has any kind of DRM nor how it's served however, hopefully it functions in a similar way though.

The process is pretty straight forward, using developer tools (CTRL+Shift+i or F12 to open), navigate to its network tab and use the filter "m3u8", right click on the last shown entry (which will be the last viewed video), select Copy and click Copy URL, then pass the URL with YT-DLP in CMD or Powershell - i.e. yt-dlp "[...]". Do remember to include the entire URL, including it's Expires, Key-Pair-Id, and Signature values after the question mark - all are left out in the example here - otherwise it'll fail to download.

I also believe IDM should be able to download m3u8 playlists using their direct URL, but I don't have it installed to test so I can't say for certain. :peepoShrug: