Simp Chat Discussion Thread for "Mai / Amaimai / AmaiMaiOfficial / umamimaiwaifu / amaimaiofficial#2567 / AmaiiMaiii / Amai Mai"


Unintentional Forum Speedrunner
Mar 11, 2022
This is her content thread (please only post new content over there):

This is the post that made me want to start this discussion thread about her since someone else noticed the same thing as me:


I wanna start it by saying she's in fact the reason I started being on these forums years ago back on SEG, and the first model I ever subscribed to on OF (IIRC) and the first one I made of thread of and shared content of.
I talked to her back then and she felt extremely genuine, cheerful, really funny and appreciative of her fans while being an incredibly smart businesswoman.
Her content was (and still is to a degree, but especially back then lmao) incredibly expensive (if you wanted the lewdest stuff available at any point in time, more precisely), but also she never scammed anyone or mislead anyone (AFAIK), and always had very funny but incredibly descriptive and honest post that let you knew exactly what you were buying into, and she knew her value .
She knew she has a really special and attractive look to her that'd be highly demand (extremely cute round Asian face with very soft but particular features that stood out from the rest [like the shape of her incredibly cute cheeks, eyes and nose to name a few] combined with figure comprised of really plump thighs and butt that's not that common among Asians.), while also working the grind extremely hard in terms of producing high production quality content (With high quality camera photo sets, with different sets and cosplays) all on her own on an incredibly consistent basis, while making funny posts, and taking the time to interact with everyone in her DMs in a genuine manner.
And with time as her fanbase kept growing, she adjusted her prices in consequences and very slowly but surely went spicier all while lowering her prices.
I have a lot of respect for her in general.

Now for the recent matter at hand on why I'm making this thread, I wanna say that all I'm about to say doesn't come from a place of hatred nor judgement.
But instead especially of worry and sadness for her potential state of physical and mental health.
And some disappointment relative to my personal tastes, but that part is entirely on me and is not important at the end of the day.
It goes without saying that it's her body and she does what she wants with it at the end of the day.
But I still want to share my feelings, worries, opinions on both aspects, even if in the end what I wish for the most and what's most important, is for her to be healthy and happy.

So yeah...from what I could observe I have a strong definitely lost a lot of weight and really quickly too.
To an extent that is worrying for her health.
I strongly feel it's tied to a current worrying counterculture trend that my gf made me aware of not that long ago that she noticed and since then we both observed has been constantly on the rise.
Which is the really unhealthy "heroine chic" trend coming back (which aligns with a lot of trends being on a 20/30 years cycle [often tied to 20-30 year olds becoming nostalgic and more in touch with their younger selves, while also some of them now being in positions where they have much more influence on current trends in the media and etc], and now being the late 90s to early 00s coming back in trend mostly.), and with all it's unhealthy behaviors and obsessions associated with it. Most notably, leading to eating disorders.

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And this is all due to a counterculture movement against how through healthy body positivity and acceptance movements (among many other things) in the last decade, what was trendy and "hot" was curvier girls and girls considered "thicc".

Since I was little I was always into girls that had more of a curvy look to them, and I've always been a big proponent of not following social conventions for the sake of following them (as in, just doing/thinking something because everyone else seems to) and just follow your heart and true personal opinion to decide what you enjoy, want to enjoy and personal preferences about anything in general. As long as through doing that you didn't end up being responsible for hurting anyone else, you do you!
So of course, I was very much behind this movement, and this one is something I find particularly sad to see.

Also like through the body positivity trend where the media (and more precisely the esthetics and hornier sides of it) seemed to particularly have an obsession with thick thighs and butts; this current rendition of the "heroine chic" trend seems to have a particular obsession with "flat tummies".

I say all this because I feel Amaimai might've ended up being influenced by a really unhealthy culture, and I base my impression on the fact that she used to love her butt and "thicc-ness" and would be something that she heavily promoted with seemingly proudness.
And then right around when that counterculture seemed to have started to gain a lot of traction, she suddenly seemed to have done a 180 on all of it and obsessed with losing weight and particularly having a flat tummy.
Straight up posting on social media videos of her showing only her tummy in the mirror, caressing it and slightly pivoting back and forth on her side and front to show and slim/thin she got.

It's when I saw that particular video (combined with me scrolling up her feed and see other pictures and videos of her where you could see how much weight she lost in such a small amount of time, with her rib being extremely visible, her thighs being so thin and her butt having passed from being round, plump and bouncy to being straight up bony) in fact that it felt especially troubling and worrying for me in regards to her health.
Through my gf, my ex, my step-mom and many girls I know/knew personally + a lot of testimonies online, I could help but think of the signs and patterns of someone having an E.D. (Eating Disorder) and being almost convinced that she had developed some.

I could be wrong, and maybe somehow, even at the weight she is, she's healthy (or healthier) both mentally and physically and it looks worse than it actually is in reality.
And I can only genuinely hope that I'm wrong.
Because much as it'd be nice if she went back to her previous appearance, it's obviously not what truly matters here.
We're way past the point where that's the first thing that comes to my mind.
It's not like others cases that I've seen where they go from very curvy (or more) to what look like an actual healthier weight and in an amount of time that seems to indicate it was done in a truly healthy and balanced manner.
Where I've been at worst like "Aw, bummer, I preferred when she was curvier. But hey, honestly, good for her if that means she's healthier and more comfy in her body and all that entails! :pepoLove:"
So far the circumstantial evidence are so worrisome to me that it's much more like "Oh man...that's actually worrying....I hope she's doing ok. :c"

Anyways, I don't expect this to change anything obviously.
Please do not harass her about this.
It's good to have discussions, but it's important to avoid language loaded with assumptions and to stay constructive, open minded and respectful.
We don't know the details of her private life and what goes on in her head or not.
This is just me relating to an observation someone made and venting my worries about something that's been on my mind lately from time to time and a a subject I'm very familiar with and that hits close to home in some ways.
And I felt like I had the time and energy to put it out there without any expectations whatsoever on who's gonna read it or not, and what will come out of it or not.
Call it therapeutic writing if you will haha.
Love y'all. Stay open-minded and stay safe. :pepoLove:
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Tier 1 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
She was perfect before. It's sad to see her do this to herself but as long as she's happy and it isn't endangering her.
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Tier 3 Sub
Jan 3, 2023
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same - it's genuinely out of concern for me but if it's her choice to lose weight then I'd support her for it as long as she's healthy

thanks for noticing my post btw I've been supporting her OF and Fansly on and off for some time now (before she did nudes) and can't help but notice the changes


Mar 12, 2022
I actually asked her about her weight before and she assured me she’s fine. She said she wanted to get her weight proportional to her height and get toned. She’s 5 foot tall.

Thought while life was happening she did get sick back to back to back she said.