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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

Support DDos-Guard stopping SimpCity access | VPN and Incognito mode


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 2, 2022
Howdy folks,

I've been running in the following problem:
Since a few days or so (maybe a week) when I have my VPN on (ExpressVPN) and try to access this site via Chrome in Incognito mode I almost ALWAYS get stopped by the DDOS-Guard page. Sometimes I get lucky and I get the HUMAN VERIFICATION option, but most of the times it just stalls and refresshes itself almost endlessly.

Using normal Chrome (so no incognito mode) does not seem to trigger it that much (with VPN still on), but I am wondering if any one else is having this problem? I prefer using a VPN and incognito mode when accessing sites like these (just in case), but now it seems they have blocked this option.

Having similar issues. But now, if accessing this site with my phone (iPhone), I can’t access it via wifi.
I am also getting this using ExpressVPN & Incognito mode for Chrome on mobile. Oddly, I can't access the site at all on certain countries in the VPN, so I hop around until one works. The strange part is that it's not always the same countries that lose access, seems like a bug or something because it's random countries each time it happens.
I highly recommend not using a 3rd party site to proxy traffic. They now have access to all site requests. Using HA proxy or Nginx to setup a reverse proxy to speed up the site is simple and keeps traffic in house. I have tons of performance experience if assistance is needed for backend speed and efficiency.
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