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Support Cyberdrop downloader stopped working on here.. Captcha blocking it?

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Tier 3 Sub
Apr 30, 2022
I just tried downloading a few posts from a few different threads, and I'm getting an error now during the beginning scrape process.. I'm logged in while this is happening, but obviously the downloader isn't linked to my cookies or anything, so it likely can't tell I'm already logged in and beyond the captcha. I'm assuming that's what causing it, at least. Can anyone confirm?
You're not alone. I rely heavily on Cyberdrop Downloader on this site. I had thought this was a site-suggested method, and if it's suddenly against the rules, it's news to me. Otherwise, maybe JulesWinnfield can work with the admin team here to use a special cookie or header or (some other secret) to bypass this.
Captcha is to fight bots

There's already a thread on here for the cyberdrop dl tool here:
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