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Support Connection times out while trying to log into simpcity


Dec 9, 2022
When I try to log into simpcity.su with my regular account, the connection eventually times out. The site seems to create the cookie for my login though, because after that I can no longer access simpcity.su -- every attempt will time out.

I don't think my account would be banned. I can't think of anything I have done to warrant it. I've been around for a fair amount of time and I mostly just lurk and read and occasionally like something.

If it is banned, I'm not trying to evade the ban. I will leave if that is the case. I would think it would be made explicitly clear if I was actually banned though.

Anyways, it's been going on for about a week. I assumed at first that the site was having issues, but it's obviously not.

If that's not what a ban is like... any idea what else might be going on?

When I try to log into simpcity.su with my regular account, the connection eventually times out. The site seems to create the cookie for my login though, because after that I can no longer access simpcity.su -- every attempt will time out.

I don't think my account would be banned. I can't think of anything I have done to warrant it. I've been around for a fair amount of time and I mostly just lurk and read and occasionally like something.

If it is banned, I'm not trying to evade the ban. I will leave if that is the case. I would think it would be made explicitly clear if I was actually banned though.

Anyways, it's been going on for about a week. I assumed at first that the site was having issues, but it's obviously not.

If that's not what a ban is like... any idea what else might be going on?


You might wanna click the 'Contact Us' Button at the bottom on the page and give the mods more info (account name, OS, browser, ...)
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