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Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
I recently had a 3 day ban for violating the rules. here is my issue though. this is a fault with this message board... i dont have the option to "comment" on anothers post. I can only "reply" which bumps the entire thread. I am looking right now and the bottom corner only says "like" "quote" "reply".... quote and reply both make completely new posts... there is no option to comment on a persons post. What am i doing wrong here... no matter what i click on, it makes an entire new post instead of just adding a comment to someone elses post
The majority of the time there is no need to comment on anyone's posts. Content threads are for content only. You can always DM someone for things like re-ups. There are also discussion threads that you can comment in.
The majority of the time there is no need to comment on anyone's posts. Content threads are for content only. You can always DM someone for things like re-ups. There are also discussion threads that you can comment in.
not every single girl has a special section just for discussion. Really only the bigger ones do. And there is plenty of reason to make a comment on someones post. A lot of people post content just so they can ask a question or something else about the girl they are posting about. Either have an easily accesible "comment" button that everyone can use.... or dont ban people for posting in a thread. Shouldnt have to DM one specific person when everyone that watches the thread would probably also like to know certain information.
I remember back in the VBulletin days that there was a software add-on that would a comment box to every post. That way people could add little comments to a post without actually replying to the thread. That would be pretty useful on this site.
I remember back in the VBulletin days that there was a software add-on that would a comment box to every post. That way people could add little comments to a post without actually replying to the thread. That would be pretty useful on this site.
From experience from other forums, it's a feature that's more annoying than actually useful
Imo it's better to have a separate thread to discuss creators, which usually ends up in arguments or something, so i'm glad they're kept separate from the content threads
I really don't get the sense of logic here. Instead of one thread we're getting three, which are to be found by users themselves, if they exist at all to begin with. As of right now it's just simpcity as a data grave and for literally all else..

Edit: Wow, criticism aside i didn't expect mods here to be so insecure to stealthedit. Good luck in general then..
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