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Support Captcha Doesn't work!

So I tried logging in from a different computer and the new Captcha security doesn't work. Don't matter how accurate you choose the tiles, it will always ask you to do another picture. Please fix this, 'cause it's broken!
Yeah I think they need to pick a different captcha or something. The old recaptcha isn't as tried and true as it used to be. You almost HAVE to be a bot to fucking solve them. :KEKWlaugh:

Its working fine for everyone on staff that's tested it. Can you try different VPN servers

They should just get rid of it to be honest. Imagine making it harder for people to access your site? I'm tryna jerk it not train an algorithm
Its been added to stop bots scraping the forum so much slowing the site down...
I just had to do about 20 captchas to get in.

If there is a picture of a bus are you only supposed to pick the tiles that are full of the bus or are you supposed to pick the ones that have a sliver of the side of the bus?
If it's a picture of a bicycle are you supposed to pick the tiles that have a tiny bit of handlebar?

Annoying when you have to do it over and over and over again.
I just had to do about 20 captchas to get in.

If there is a picture of a bus are you only supposed to pick the tiles that are full of the bus or are you supposed to pick the ones that have a sliver of the side of the bus?
If it's a picture of a bicycle are you supposed to pick the tiles that have a tiny bit of handlebar?

Annoying when you have to do it over and over and over again.
They should just get rid of it to be honest. Imagine making it harder for people to access your site? I'm tryna jerk it not train an algorithm
Yeah I think they need to pick a different captcha or something. The old recaptcha isn't as tried and true as it used to be. You almost HAVE to be a bot to fucking solve them. :KEKWlaugh:
have you tried the audio captcha? I find it much easier and quicker to solve (click on the headphones)

alternatively you can try this extension
Agree the captcha needs to fucking chill. Took 5 MINUTES to get past it. WTF. Not worth that. It's a login - that's already more verification than any amount of captcha nonsense.
Just want to lend my voice to this, the captcha is awful, sometimes I get lucky but most of the time I have to do it like 10 or 15 times, please use a different captcha system.
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