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Support Can't edit my own thread

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Corrado Soprano

What you don't know could fill a book
Mar 11, 2022
I was going to edit my threads to fix the tags that are now missing after the DB migration, but I get no option to edit the thread.
Here is an example: https://simpcity.su/threads/julia-kimberly.10201/


No "edit" button near the "report" button. I can see the edit button on this thread though: https://simpcity.su/threads/ximena-solano.185447/
Maybe it's something related to how old the thread is, but not sure.
Posts/Threads older then 2 week can't be edited from OP. If u wanna add something or similar use Report button.
I was going to edit my threads to fix the tags that are now missing after the DB migration, but I get no option to edit the thread.
Here is an example: https://simpcity.su/threads/julia-kimberly.10201/


No "edit" button near the "report" button. I can see the edit button on this thread though: https://simpcity.su/threads/ximena-solano.185447/
Maybe it's something related to how old the thread is, but not sure.
Posts/Threads older then 2 week can't be edited from OP. If u wanna add something or similar use Report button.
As they are the ones who bring material to the table users should be able to take it back if they want. The will for appropriation of a forum over content is not healthy imo.
I already mentioned why we did that, so only option it's trough Reports like i said.
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