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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

Support Can't access website: 504 - Gateway Timeout.

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Jul 16, 2024

This started happening today, it waits for 30 seconds and then this appears, every single time. The only way I can access the website atm is if I'm using a vpn.

I've been seeing this error pop up more and more on different websites and I can't figure out what exactly is the cause of it. First it was rule34video, then very recently kemono.su, and now this.
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Probably Roskomnadzor blocking spilling over to nearby countries. I haven't found any other option to prevent this other than using a VPN.

I've noticed the same thing happening on Coomer and Kemono.
Yes, same crap here as well. need to login via webproxy, tried several webbrowsers same result, tried to do CMD dnsflush didnt help either, erased all cookies.. nothing. Maby some from staff could sort it out?

Probably Roskomnadzor blocking spilling over to nearby countries. I haven't found any other option to prevent this other than using a VPN.

I've noticed the same thing happening on Coomer and Kemono.
Tbh the error doesnt look anything like a deliberate block. I'm no expert either but to me this looks like an issue of the cdn servers of certain regions.
Amusingly, Coomer works fine for me, but not Kemono.
same here
Yup. seems to gladly work again.. but I sure would like to know whats the cause of this unsatisfied shit was.

I am suddenly able to access this place normally again.
Same, ig they've reverted whatever they did. kemono is still not accessible :/
Sites like Kemono and rule34video still doesn't work. It's leaves a giant questionmark on what's going on.

TLDR: RKN blocked access to the forum in Russia, and countries that got routed to the Russian POP (Nordics and many other european countries) got 504 because access was blocked. We got it fixed. End.

The other sites are still blocked because DDoS-Guard is routing them to the nearest PoP which in this case is Russia, therefore, it times out as its blocked. You need to use a VPN to access those sites.
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