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Support can you please remove the megathread rules for the titty fuck thread?

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Jul 18, 2022

please can the admin remove the megathread rules and just turn it back to a regular thread

that use to be the best thread for just posting videos and links to the best titty fucking on the internet. i posted so much valuable content there and others were posting some of the best titty fucks online

but now, if you post there then your post get deleted if you don't link to a simpcity thread.... this killed all potential for rare finds and epic videos/content...

the thread is dead now...
That's not how rules work, pal.

They're there to keep the megathreads compliant with our overall standards of content verification on the site, specifically as it relates to the prevention of revenge porn and underage material. If you want the content of unknown random girls then you may exit stage left and proceed to one of the many other places online that will let basically any old crap be posted on their social media girls website.

Otherwise you may direct any and all complaints about the newly communicated megathread rules to our Chief Megathread Mod voidream and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to ignore them.
That's not how rules work, pal.

They're there to keep the megathreads compliant with our overall standards of content verification on the site, specifically as it relates to the prevention of revenge porn and underage material. If you want the content of unknown random girls then you may exit stage left and proceed to one of the many other places online that will let basically any old crap be posted on their social media girls website.

Otherwise you may direct any and all complaints about the newly communicated megathread rules to our Chief Megathread Mod voidream and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to ignore them.
That's not how rules work, pal.

They're there to keep the megathreads compliant with our overall standards of content verification on the site, specifically as it relates to the prevention of revenge porn and underage material. If you want the content of unknown random girls then you may exit stage left and proceed to one of the many other places online that will let basically any old crap be posted on their social media girls website.

Otherwise you may direct any and all complaints about the newly communicated megathread rules to our Chief Megathread Mod voidream and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to ignore them.
how come this thread was changed though? if you look back, it used to be a regular thread where people could stop by and post the most quality and solid titty fucks from all over the internet, it was functioning great. if someone post underage or revenge porn content in the thread, why can't we report those post and have it remove?

it's harder to contribute to the thread now because you need to look up the girl, see if she has a thread here, link to it. whereas before you can find a really fantastic titty fuck and share it from the get go, it was great
how come this thread was changed though?
The concept of the rules is not new. We've always required social links when starting a new thread for the UA and RP reasons already mentioned. This is just applying them to threads that contain multiple girls i.e. mega threads.
Not even having names with posts means if something bad is reported in one post we can't search to see if it's been posted elsewhere.

The rules are staying

Seal With It GIF
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