• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

Discussion Bunkr Discussion

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there is nothing more resilient than bunkr, i have uploaded tons of files like months x months ago and still not even one of them gets taken down unlike mega and gofile where all your upload goes into shit even within a day.
Plus way more file size uploads available and had like 10x better speed and streaming than any other site, this slowing down thing happened during SEG transfer and all, they are facing some trouble otherwise theres nothing that even comes close to bunkr if its in their original state
I’d rather have a slow download than a gofile link that stops working entirely after a few days.
yeah same with mega like people spend loads of fucking time on rips and the next day you find nothing on the link like wtf . and not even just being resilient, bunkr had the most unreal fast downloading and uploading speeds as well plus the upload size on top of it.
If gofile and mega could be half as good as bunkr, it would be so much better
I have had terrible user experience with it also. Too slow accessing it and downloading it.

Using Gofile for now until I find a permanent solution. But the thing is nothing is permanent because the simps who pay regularly for the content always find a way to remove the content.
There was a post about why it became so slow. I believe the guy who was running it had his house go on fire or some shit. From their homepage: "We have begun working on supporting multiple file-servers, so things will get better, we promise!" Bunkr is super good. Uploads never go down unless removed by the uploader.
As someone who shares a lot of content, I use Bunkr because of the takedown-resilience. I don't have time to be re-upping stuff all the time, which I'd be asked to do a lot if I was using something like Mega or GoFile.

However, I'm starting to doubt that the owner of Bunkr is technically proficient enough to operate and maintain a large-scale file sharing site and wondering if he might've bitten off more than he can chew with the project. I certainly hope that's not the case, but I guess time will tell.
people who share a lot don't have the time/won't bother to reup everything, bunkr has been amazing for several months, with consistent download and upload speed, without taking down a single file.

It's not even a month they've been having issues and y'alls already trash talking and bitching about it, just chill out, the links aren't going anywhere, bookmark em to download them later when thing will settle down, the buffering and sluggishness are just temporary

can't say the same for gofile where files inactive for 10 days get pruned, on top of that they take down stuff crazy fast if there are reports
Yeah I am not a huge fan of Bunkr at all. I like using GoFile even though the links do get taken down quite a bit I am a fan of it's ease of use and download speed. Having ads for Chaturbate constantly pop up and multiple windows and tabs appear to download a new video is no fun
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People continue to use what they are familiar with, even if it starts to suck. The longer they have used it the more they will defend it, just so they don’t have to change to something new.
That said, it’s all free and any uploader is doing a favor to everyone here. So thank you to anyone uploading anything on any site.
Although a few months have passed, and I was just made aware of this thread. Everything has gone back to normal, awesome speeds everywhere (except the old server that is capped).

We are seeing constant speeds that can reach up-to 200MB/s download.

We have also reduced the amount of ads.

You guys need to understand that yes, sure, it has ads and no one likes them. But how do you think we get to have such features? Specially no takedown? it costs a lot of $.

But hey, there's always nofile gofile that will delete your files
It might be fast now but I'll never know. Constant ad pop ups when I touch a bunkr page so I can't do literally anything. I turn the adblocker off now the vid can play but still if I touch anything another pop up. I go full screen, pop up. Now I'm full screen, let's fast forward.. pop up.. oh now I have to go full screen again.. pop up..... ffffffuuuuuccckkkkk

At least when bunkr was in 56k mode and it took 20mins to stream a 10mb file, at least I could use it! I didn't though because too slow but now I find bunkr unusable.
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