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Support best file hosts that can host files over 5GB, 10GB, etc?

Jar of Pickles

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 29, 2023
I have several CB stream archives stored in cyberfile and lucky for me re-encoding to x265 fits most streams under the 5GB limit

Unfortunately some longer streams are going over 5GB. Any file hosts like cyberfile that are takedown resistant that I can upload some 10GB+ files?

I have considered re-encoding to AV1 but not sure how much of a savings it can provide. Plus it would take forever since I don't have a hardware AV1 encoder installed my rig.
And I have considered splitting the streams but that would make a mess for organization.
Honestly safest bet is to split them, add them in a folder (cyberfile) or album (bunkr) and add a .txt indicating the start and the end.

As the main dev for both is pretty painful to allow more than 10GB uploads unless you throw a lot of cash to get some serious servers.
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