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Simp Chat bellaplays

This dumb bitch is now wearing nipple pasties. What a waste of a fine body, ruined by a depressed mind :PepeWhy:
She said on stream: "I don't care if my nipples are showing or not, but people care". Seems like "people" could be her parents after all.
She said on stream: "I don't care if my nipples are showing or not, but people care". Seems like "people" could be her parents after all.
Would not be surprised, she needs to get the hell away. Their the reason she's so mentally fucked up and a hermit. They baby her way too fucking much!
She needs all kinds of help, desperately. She can't get her shit together. Honestly, I've never seen a woman like her (with nice attributes) in such situation. It's like an alien type of thing.
Yeah, so sad because she's a very pretty girl with an amazing body. Its always these type that has the most mental issues or suffering inside. I hope she can find peace and find real help and be able to move away from her controlling parents! That put her on medication like its a real fix.

Shes what, almost 26? She don't work or actively go out often or has many friends IRL. I guess when you have no real purpose in life that shit can drive you insane! She needs to have a goal in life and actively have something to work towards.
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