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Support Any mod can help me?


Tier 2 Sub
Jul 21, 2023
Greetings. I have been using this website for more than 12 months, both in its old and new versions. Two days ago, I received a notice from the website stating that it could no longer access my email. I attempted to change my email address, but I registered with a temporary email service and cannot find the password Additionally, I always use Simp on Chrome, and I cannot find my password in the settings It always open directly I also used that on my phone with opera but there is also same it always opend website with my login but never saved my password. I enjoyed my time on the website and received many likes and rankings. I do not want to lose anything. If possible, I can show you my bunkr folders and jpg.fish folders? I also took screenshots of my past messages that show the error with my old email and followers. I can send all of them on pm. I hope you can give me hope that I can use my old account again. I am very sad to lose all of my months of progress. Of course, this is also my fault, but I did not know it would be like this. :PepeWhy:

My original account was: https://simpcity.su/members/opuspocus.371583/
Greetings. I have been using this website for more than 12 months, both in its old and new versions. Two days ago, I received a notice from the website stating that it could no longer access my email. I attempted to change my email address, but I registered with a temporary email service and cannot find the password Additionally, I always use Simp on Chrome, and I cannot find my password in the settings It always open directly I also used that on my phone with opera but there is also same it always opend website with my login but never saved my password. I enjoyed my time on the website and received many likes and rankings. I do not want to lose anything. If possible, I can show you my bunkr folders and jpg.fish folders? I also...
Greetings. I have been using this website for more than 12 months, both in its old and new versions. Two days ago, I received a notice from the website stating that it could no longer access my email. I attempted to change my email address, but I registered with a temporary email service and cannot find the password Additionally, I always use Simp on Chrome, and I cannot find my password in the settings It always open directly I also used that on my phone with opera but there is also same it always opend website with my login but never saved my password. I enjoyed my time on the website and received many likes and rankings. I do not want to lose anything. If possible, I can show you my bunkr folders and jpg.fish folders? I also took screenshots of my past messages that show the error with my old email and followers. I can send all of them on pm. I hope you can give me hope that I can use my old account again. I am very sad to lose all of my months of progress. Of course, this is also my fault, but I did not know it would be like this. :PepeWhy:

My original account was: https://simpcity.su/members/opuspocus.371583/
Send a ticket with all the information:
Other: https://simpcity.su/misc/contact
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