Discussion - [Stories] Former model managers / former agency owners | SimpCity Forums

Discussion [Stories] Former model managers / former agency owners


Digging Fit & Sexy Chicks
Mar 11, 2022

Just wondering if there are any fellow former model managers / agency owners in here?

And how did you find the business when you were still in it? Any funny stories to share?

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I have a plenty of crazy stories to tell that actually only few people know :D

Might share some if anybody interested :D

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Digging Fit & Sexy Chicks
Mar 11, 2022
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Yo man!

All started when a former girlfriend of mine asked me if I thought she would be a good photomodel and shared with me that one day she would like to shoot for Playboy.

I did encourage her to do so. Then I haven't seen her in a few months only to recieve a text from her that she is in New York.

Back then I used to have different business so I thought she is just sharing her holidays or something, but she replied: "I am shooting pictures here."

I was actually pretty surprised and happy for her. Then she asked me if I would be interested in helping her out with booking shoots as she had too many to book herself - long story short I jumped on that opportunity as back then I was dearly looking for an exciting change in life.

I have send about 17 models shooting in NY, LA and Las Vegas over a period of about 2-3y - I only did this for a short time.

But booked about 200-300 shoots as the girls were quiet popular. On of them I booked over 50 shoots only for that one model.

I have worked mostly with "casual/amateur" model - although some shoots I booked were for Signiture Models for example or iStripper and was about to schedule a Playboy shoot, but their guy just stopped replying.

Mostly the type of shoots were solo-nude - fully nude. But only solo. No boy - girl , no porn.

I always only managed 1 girl at once - which was stupid as hell and lead to my demise as I put myself into a depended position on that girl and was unable to negotiate strongly with them - I lacked self-confidence and really doubted my ability to book shoots for more then one model at the time - so I always only booked one girl, then switched to next one and so on.

Only at the very end did I booked 2 girls at once, but was rather complicated. Also by that time I was taken advantage of multiple times by the girls - probably rightly so as I shouldn't have been that stupid LOL

I lost quiet a lot of money to those girls - but you know I take it as a price for experience learned :D

Then after that I got fed up with it + realized something I am doing is wrong so I reached out to some agencies and offered to schedule shoots for their models - which I did for about 3-4 models from other agencies.

But I also met this cool guy who was shooting porn looking for female models and strip club dancers - we made a good deal / commission arrangement and I was relieved that I am no longer alone and can work in team so I have been scouting female talent for him for a while ...

Then I slowly become interested in different business - which I am in now :D - and basically the old one just died away as I had less and less time for it.

Thats a TL;DR of my personal adventure with young chicks LOL :D

Cost me a lot of money + nerves :D

But would do it again 100%!

Learned a lot about my stupidy, but also capability

And made some cool friends with photographers :D

What about you? Just asking out of curiosity or have some experience in the area?



Digging Fit & Sexy Chicks
Mar 11, 2022
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Yo man!

This is a really good question.

As for me never ever. I actually also deleted all the shoots and archives from my HDD (mostly as I was furiously pissed on these models for taking my money and can't even see them ever again LOL - I only had about 2-3 models that I had good relationship with = they did what they promised and we split profits as we agreed and about 4-5 that were kind of OK, rest I had really bad time with especially in the end of the tours)

But as far as the girls go I am 100% sure the first one was having affairs with her photographers as I saw some shit on her email - that I was managing - that I told her if I see again I am no longer booking her shoots - she made some personal email for that shit and I never saw it again (think dick pictures).

Ye not really.

Maybe one thing that helps that is that when I was doing this I already was in long-term relationship with super hot girl :D

So I had like 0% motivation to do anything with those chicks :D

But yea - going into this it was actually first question I asked my first model I was like: "You mean I will be booking sexual dates for you or what?" :D

Because I thought girls shooting nudes must be fucking photographers like machines :D

Which actually ain't that true in my short experience - unless you mean porn shoots - where they are paid for it.



Mar 16, 2022
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no experience whatsoever..

interesting storytime!

Regarding playboyshoots.. are you aware of the recently published documentary 'secrets of playboy' ?
harrowing shit, really.
i mean that there was sex & drugs is not surprising at all.. but the malevolence, the systematic drug & rape of young women is really astounding.
Also all the interviewees that have a bad conscience but never did a damn thing.

i'm guessing your experiencenwas after the 2000s but the kind of shit that went down before then is really something else..


Digging Fit & Sexy Chicks
Mar 11, 2022
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Exactly. :D How cools is that shit? :D :D :D

Not like I did brag about banging that chick before to my partner nor like it was just one night stand and then we became "friends" - but she WAS a good friend until I started to manage her ... first few months were cool, but that she had gone kind of "crazy" IMO as we were starting to get TONs of reuqests for shoots and she told me she quits to become a Music DJ x)

I was devastated as I couldn't imagine what to do next - it didn't really occur to me that I can get a new model LOL - and also I totally didn't get why she would like to pass on so much opportunity jsut to go after some DJ stuff ...

I think it had to do with a guy she fell for in San Francisco ...

I know she later got deported from US (as she wasn't US citizen) for living with him :D

One of the cool stories definitely LOL :D


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
Steelgrip I have a slightly personal question, but I’m curious nonetheless;

did you ever masturbate while looking at the photos you took of your clients?

If so, did you prefer the blondes, brunettes or the dark haired ones?

EDIT: Sorry if I come off as a weirdo, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to..
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Digging Fit & Sexy Chicks
Mar 11, 2022
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Hey man!

Not at all :D thats actually another cool question I had to ask myself back then LOL

I was tempted with one chick I represented - she had such a fucking HOT ass - she was super young - I gave her some tips how to upgrade her portfolio so I can market her better for our trip ... and she actually surpassed my expectations as she managed to pull of some crazy fucking HOT pictures of herself :D

I told her on our meeting that those are absolutely perfect and she looks totally hot on them.

But as I promised myself to never ever ever mix sexual pleasure with business when I started this I hold onto it an just said to myself fuck it - she is my model I can't look at her as an object desire.

It just a way I am though :D

Someone else might not mind it at all :D

I like to separate those :D