Question Question for those of you who have confronted onlyfans creators about DRM videos banner


Tier 1 Sub
Jan 23, 2022
For those of you who have confronted creators about DRM videos, how are you going about it? And what kind of responses are you getting?

Like are you being direct and just saying something like “I noticed you enabled DRM so I’ll be cancelling my sub unless you disable it” or maybe a little more discreet like “hey for some reason I can’t get any new videos to load. Is the something new that’s enabled on your videos that might be causing this issue?” Have any of you bluntly told them that the main issue is the inablilty to download videos?

And also wondering what kind of responses you’ve been getting. I’m sure many don’t give a fuck. But are some acknowledging that this is gonna cost them subs and deciding to turn it off? Are some maybe resending customs or ppvs with it turned off? Are some replying with rude or nasty messages? Interested to here what you guy’s experience has been


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 15, 2023
I just tell them that I can't justify paying for something that they can delete/turn off on a whim, and that I will be unsubbing. Usually they make their usual woman-excuses and I tell them they can have their privacy/safety/whatever and I'll keep my money.

They'll never turn it off once they turn it on. They'd rather lose money and complain about how awful men are.


Mar 11, 2022
I was subbed to Quinn Finite OF until she decided about 2 months ago to turn DRM on

I messaged her saying i am having trouble playing her videos which i genuinely was cause it would give me a black screen

I tried so many different troubleshooting methods & she basically said they contact OF since it has nothing to do with her

I did & nothing came of it

Not sure if she still has DRM on since it's no longer worth paying $15/m if I can't even watch her content banner