Guide - How to Xray with Photoshop | SimpCity Forums

Guide How to Xray with Photoshop

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Bathwater Drinker
May 2, 2022
Part 1: Introduction
Do you see anything written on the white spaces?
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While these spaces may look empty, they do indeed have two words written on them. Making visible what was previously indistinguishable is the idea behind xraying.

Part 2: B/C Boost Test
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I've taken the image in part 1 and opened it in photoshop. By raising the contrast and lowering the brightness, I've made visible the words previously unseen. This is the foundation of xraying. The B/C boost is the easiest way to perform an xray, however it's no the only way. The B/C boost is extremely limited in bringing out details, but it is useful as a litmus test for potential xrays. If your image fails this test (i.e. you B/C boost a girls shirt and nothing of value is made visible) then your chance of getting a good xray are slim to none.

Part 3: Curves
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Here we are using the Curves adjustment on the image above. The results are much stronger and bolder than the B/C boost, and curves can give more control and fine-tuning to the xray process.

Part 4: Application
Lets take this image below and give it a B/C boost.
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By boosting the contrast and lowering the brightness we've brought the good parts of the image into a more suitable range of tones to view. Photoshop assigns a light value between 1 and 255 to every pixel it displays. 1 being pure black and 255 being pure white. Naturally, there's hardly any difference, in our eyes, to the light values of 255 and 254. We would only see pure white. Photoshop can see the difference though, and with a little know-how we can xray many images.

Key points about doing xrays
1. White or light colored clothing is preferable to dark clothing. However black clothing CAN be xrayed

2. The size and image quality of the photo is directly proportional to size and quality of the xray

3. Lighting is a very important. All xrays need good lighting from the front


Bathwater Drinker
May 2, 2022
In my previous post we discussed xraying white clothes. Now we are going to look at xraying colored clothes, and specifically address why patterned/striped/logos/prints and other altered hue clothes are poor candidates for xrays. I took the white image from my first guide and added colors on top of it to simulate colored stripes. Lets see what happens when we do a B/C test.

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As you can see the, the 'stripes' have altered the visibility of the words. The top Hello is basically obscured by the red and yellow stripes, only the 'll' along the white stripe is visible. The bottom Hello is clear to see, but the word is now visible as three separate colors: purple, blue, and green.

Part 2: Curves
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Our curves adjustment gives us a different result. The bottom Hello is more distinct and higher contrast, but now the 'h' and part of the 'e' are completely lost. To effectively xray these you would have to you would have to manually select all areas of the same colors and xray them separately, and then recombine the layers into one image. Not gonna happen. That's far too labor intensive to something like when the end result would look like shit anyway.

The problem with xraying images like the one below is not the green color of the shirt, its the logo with high-contrast, alternating colors. Lets see what happens with a B/C test.
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Any details that might have been visible are completely obliterated by the alternating colors. Unless the clothing is incredibly sheer or transparent, these types of images are rarely good candidates for xraying.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
🇧🇷🇵🇹 Tutorial de efeito Raio-X em língua portuguesa:

"A minha versão do PS é a CS6. Antes de tudo é bom seguir as dicas sobre a escolha da foto que o Lampz escreveu, e ainda assim pode ser que vocês de deparem com uma foto que simplesmente não se consegue ver nada. Foto com exposição excessiva de luz é difícil ver alguma coisa. Sutiã e rendas nem pensar. Vou usar essa foto da Selena Gomez:
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O resultado final vai ser este:
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Passo 1: Abra a foto, clique na ferramenta de seleção Quick Selection (ou aperte W) e selecione a área (segurando o ALT a área é deselecionada) :
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Passo 2: Crie uma layer a partir da seleção, é só apertar CTRL+J:
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Passo 3: Abrir levels (CTRL+L), pode usar a dica da montanha:
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Passo 4: Em algumas fotos eu particularmente gosto de usar um blur pra diminuir as áreas pixeladas ou que tenham algum relevo. Aqui no caso eu usei o Gaussian Blur (Filter --> Blur --> Gaussian Blur), usem um valor pequeno, normalmente eu uso em torno de 1:
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Passo 5: Agora o passo que eu considero que começa o raio-x de fato, o Color Balance (CTRL+B) permite fazer o ajuste de cores e da exposição ao mesmo tempo. Se a foto tem alguma coisa pra mostrar e se não apareceu no levels aparece aqui, às vezes já tento deixar com a cor da pele às vezes não. Mexam nas cores dos 3 tons da ferramenta: Shadows, Midtones e Highlights.
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Deixei a minha assim:
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Passo 6: Agora vamos fazer os mamilos aparecerem mais! Junto com o Dodge, o Burn é a ferramenta mais importante pra fazer a o raio-x, ele é um controle de exposição pontual e deve ser usado sempre com muito cuidado para não deixar a foto fake. Exige uma certa prática pra usá-lo, o segredo é usar uma exposição bem baixa e ir fazendo com mais de uma passada até que se possa ver o resultado, eu gosto de ficar apertando CTRL+Z pra ver se não ficou estranho.
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O melhor Burn pra usar é do tipo Shadows ou Midtones, nessa eu usei o Midtones:
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O mamilo esquerdo dela ficou mais difícil mesmo de fazer, mas só botei em cima do bico que aparece e fui fazendo. Façam burn só do que vocês conseguem ver!
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Passo 7: Agora vamos dar uma clareada em torno dos mamilos com a ferramenta Dodge, tá no mesmo lugar do Burn, é só clicar com o botão direito. O Dodge poderia ser usado antes do Burn sem problemas. Mesmo esquema:
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Passo 8: Vamos para o final do tutorial com a parte dos acabamentos, começando com o Brilho/Contraste (Image --> Ajustments --> Brightness/Contrast):
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Passo 9: Nem sempre é preciso esse passo mas se por um acaso vocês selecionaram alguma área a mais lá no início é só criar uma Layer Mask pra tirar o excesso:
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Em seguida, selecionem a ferramenta Brush (ou aperte B), pintem de preto e com opacidade 100% (se embaixo não estiver preto é só apertar D). Aqui pintei um pedaço do casaco que ficou selecionado a mais e entrou no raio-x. Comparem com o cap anterior:
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Passo 10: Avalie se precisa melhorar, vou dar mais um retoque no contraste. Poderia ser o caso de rever as cores também, isso é a critério de cada um. Clica de volta no layer do raio-x senão não vai funcionar nada a seguir:
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Passo Extra: Pode ser interessante diminuir a opacidade da layer que foi trabalhada pra tentar deixar mais natural. Foi o que eu fiz aqui:
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Pronto! Divirtam-se."
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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 18, 2021
Quick tips.

Don't use burn. Burn is effectively painting in something that isn't there with a localized brush. It's closer to a fake than the real thing. (No offensive to the guy above). Curves/levels and other things that are photography adjustments are showing you what is actually there, Burn isn't.

For issues mentioned related to color, look into experimenting with hue shifting, or looking at RGB channels individually, and curving that way. If a color is maybe not the best for Xray, but the cloth and photo itself is a good candidate, moving it to another color non-destructively, or looking at it's relative color spectrum (B/W only Red channel on a bright red shirt) might help. This doesn't always work but it can help in more tricky cases at times.

Photoshop Xray isn't magic. You aren't going to get a nipple through a padded bra. You aren't going to see through a sweater. All you are doing is seeing whatever the camera was capable of picking up in it's related color channels and making it more clear. There were old infrared capable cameras that would photograph at a spectrum that was almost an "xray vision" sort of gimmick because the infrared spectrum passed through some clothing, but any modern photo taken with a modern camera isn't going to be utilizing any infrared spectrum like that. Thin clothes, braless. Those are your only use cases.

I'm a little surprised with all the AI technology nobody has made an AI that does the Photoshop work automatically by knowing the best set of conditions for every type of color and matching skin tone. Maybe some omegabrain coomer will work that out.