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The Saint

“Breaker of the Great Houses”
Jan 10, 2022
I haven’t been keeping tabs on her or really paying attention to her, what’s the shit she’s complaining about?


Bathwater Drinker
Dec 25, 2022
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Basically just constant random harassment from Twitter users. It's pretty pathetic on them NGL she's basically not doing anything. Just being randomly called a pedophile out of nowhere. Or like this one dude drew porn of her character being raped because he hates her so much and like, that's the most fucking Sonichu type mentally deranged behavior. It's probably in her best interest to fully abandon Twitter for another platform but there aren't many good ones where she can get away with her "guys it's not porn" art.


May 5, 2022
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She made this post on Twitter listing a bunch of her hot takes because she wanted to get her followers down (idk why)
She basically just said a bunch of controversial shit on sensitive topics and at one point talked about how she thinks a 15 yo dating a 20yo is ok. She did this on Twitter of all places so you can imagine how this ended


Mar 14, 2022
The whole controversial takes list debacle made me lose whatever patience I had left with her. For awhile now she's given so much attention to people who are clearly trying to get a rise out of her and while it's understandable why she'd respond to some of it (i.e. her addressing some of the stupid claims made against her) it really starts to test your patience when she keeps on doing it over and over again. I don't know how much of it could have been simply ignored, but I feel like not giving the idiots harassing her so much constant attention probably would've been a much better idea than to continue feeding them. It seriously felt like every other week she got herself into something.

With the whole list thing it's honestly not even really about what I feel about some of her opinions, but it's more so that this is the easiest shitstorm she could have avoided. At this point I can only really come to conclusion that she either gets off on the negative attention or she's just unbelievably oblivious because it doesn't take a genius to predict that posting that list like that was an awful idea. I have no clue what she thought was going to happen.


Diamond Tier
Mar 12, 2022
She really needs to stop giving them attention because that's like #1 rule of the internet.


At this point it seems that she developed some kind of "stockholm syndrome" with her harassers and haters which i'm pretty sure they're trolling because they know she would give them attention and why not.


Bathwater Drinker
Dec 25, 2022
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I feel like she's in a situation where she's forced to feed into it though. Like she would have to address pedo type accusations because you can't really just sit on it or else it has room to keep growing. Same with most of this shit she's accused of like, she's not really being "trolled" people are accusing her of career ending shit. It's not trolling it's just straight up slander and harassment. I mean the controversial takes list was a bit of a fuck up but even then it could just be her drawing a hard line in the sand pushing away people who come to her expecting other things.

I mean anyone who talks about her is full stop violating harassment guidelines (at least on Twitter who fucking cares what 4chan is on about if they still even give a fuck about her). And even if she's becoming a lol cow she's also morally in the right while being attacked in ways that are legitimately illegal. She can't really grow an audience anymore with some weird fucking freaks showing up to harass her at this point so it's not as simple as not feeding them. I think she probably just needs to organize a mass report campaign against people harassing her and then just be very liberal with the block button after. Just ruin the accounts of anyone who's actually capable of causing problems (which honestly she's fully in her rights to do) and then just remove any sock accounts ability to reach her by blocking.
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