Games - Being a DIK v0.9.1 | Page 3 | SimpCity Forums

Games Being a DIK v0.9.1

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Title: Being a DIK
Version: 0.9.1
December 2022
Developer: DrPinkCake
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OS: Win, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Genre: 3DGC, Male protagonist, Animated, Dating sim, School setting, Anal sex, Big ass, Big tits, Creampie, Exhibitionism, Female domination, Groping, Group sex, Handjob, Humiliation, Interracial, Masturbation, MILF, Oral sex, Prostitution, Stripping, Teasing, Titfuck, Voyeurism, Combat, Humor, Point & click, Puzzle, Romance, Lesbian, Strategy, Turn based combat, Twins, Virgin
Engine: Ren'Py
Installation: Extract and run

Description: A young man from a low-income family moves away from his widowed father and his summer love to attend college at Burgmeister & Royce. As he is cast into freshman life and persuaded to join the up-and-coming fraternity Delta Iota Kappa, he'll be exposed to a new world filled with conflicts, alcohol, drugs and sex.

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Season 1 - 2:
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Compressed (win/lin):
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Season 3 v0.9.1 (play after season 1 - 2)
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Unofficial Android Port:
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Patch (from 0.8.3 to 0.9.1):
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Episode 10 dropped :hyperz:
Links (please someone put them in the OP):
Season 3 + Episode 10:
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Patch (from Ep 9 to EP 10):
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Multi Mod (Walkthrough + Cheats):
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Digging Fit & Sexy Chicks
Mar 11, 2022
I have the gallery extracted few months ago - but it was so huge (30GB+) I didn't uploaded it anywhere

Better solution is the mod in the original post that makes everything available :)

If you looking for POV only stuff (aka only girls from your point of you - like if you been there personally) I am working on that.

It just takes time because it's thousands of files to go through.

Also I will not be doing it for each girl - but only for the ones I like :D

I currently have those:

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In various stages - as you can see my favorite girl Camilla I already have sorted the POV perspective scenes from and I also made a short montage of the Mini Skirt scene from POV only ... been weeks actually :D

Takes time and I am pretty busy now outdoors - with nice weather ...

But one day I will probably share my results ! :)

As usual :)



Duelist King
Mar 12, 2022
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I started this week by working on a lewd scene. It wasn't a particularly long scene and I finished posing its animations and static renders after a couple of days of work.

After that, I moved on to posing renders for a few free-roam event scenes, and I think I'm done with nearly every scene of the remaining free-roam events now. I'm not crossing them off the checklist because they also need phone content. I will know more about this progress after spending time playtesting them.

Playtesting and polishing the episode always tend to add and alter some of my work. I can talk about this process a bit more in a future status update to let you gain some knowledge on it.

At the moment, I want to keep creating what's left to create. So, I moved on to writing some of the remaining content. I wrote a normal scene and another lewd scene for a main girl. I've just started posing the renders for the normal scene and will continue creating art for these two scenes next week.

I realized I missed creating 10-20 renders for another lewd scene, which I will also spend some time doing soon.

After those scenes, I only have one big scene left to make. It's both lewd and story-related and could almost be counted as two scenes. I don't know how big it will be, but it is an important main girl scene, and I predict it will mean plenty of work.

My render slaves are working hard. I have zero static renders in the queue, and the animation queue has grown to 32 animations.

This week, I also locked the credits section for Episode 10 and added 160+ new Massive DIKs to the game. I have ensured that the end credits roll fine so that task is out of the way. If you want your name in the credits, the post to add your name is
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. Note that any new names added to that post at this point will appear earliest in Episode 11.

I also created the episode end screen and started on the episode end reports - but I can't finish them until later.

Furthermore, I have added every special render to the episode. This part is at least ready to be playtested. But I haven't created Pack Quest yet, so it will have to wait a bit for later.

I don't say this often enough, but thanks again for the huge support and patience you have shown me throughout these long development months. I promise it will be rewarded massively with this new update.

To tease you, I've almost been able to play a full episode 10 this week for the first time. Without mini-games enabled, reading and enjoying everything without rushing, I was positively surprised it roughly took me 6 hours to get through it.

Have a nice weekend.

Dr PinkCake

new preview

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May 19, 2023
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I've been busy working on art this week. I completed the art for one normal scene and one lewd scene and have started working on the final big scene of the episode, which has lewd and story aspects.

This scene will take me 1-2 weeks of writing and posing. I have reserved a maximum of 50 animations for the scene, but it might be slightly lower than that.

After completing that scene, I can start working on the remaining tasks. Here is an updated checklist for the remaining part of the development.

Checklist Episode 10
This is the current checklist of what's left to do before beta testing and proofreading can begin. I have left bullet points from the previous checklist in it for clarity.

One lewd scene with story aspects surrounding it remains. It's partly written, and I have started making art for it.

I estimate I must pose an additional ~200 static renders and up to 50 animations.

Current static render count: 5539 produced. 62 posed renders in the render queue. 5601 renders in total.

Current animation count: 257 produced. 41 posed animations in the render queue. 298 animations in total.


Pack Quest - Completed but not tested.

Vault - Completed but not tested.

Rewards/2D art - Almost completed; only one special render must be added to the story. Testing and possibly correction of code are needed.

Gallery - The lewd gallery has been coded but can't be tested until all lewd scenes have been made. Some art remains for miniature images.

Phone content - There's some work left with the Rooster and Chat apps. The new phone gallery has gotten more content since last time and will get even more. The music app may need updated code to include new songs added after today; it's synchronized with the current state of the episode.

Bios - I always leave bios for the last part of the development.

Episode end screen and report - The end screen is added and tested. The reports are written but need more work, trimming, and testing.

Credits - Completed and tested.

Some SFX work remains; I will get to it when I polish the episode.

26 new songs have been added so far. Some work remains in this area for a few scenes.

I have played the episode from start to finish once, but art was missing during some scenes as they were in the render queue.

My personal tests and polishing remain.

My thoughts on the checklist
Lots of progress has been made since I wrote the checklist last time. The predicted render count has increased slightly but should be accurate for what remains.

Posing the remaining animations will take some time, but rendering them will be the bottleneck. Looking at the current render queue and the predicted animations, we're talking about roughly 90 animations that need time to render.

As I've said earlier, I will work on polishing the episode during the time these animations render. And polishing the episode will require plenty of time, too, to ensure that the quality is high regardless of branch and playstyle. I will post more information about this process when I start it.

My general feeling about the episode development right now is that I'm beginning to see the end of it for the first time since it started. The remaining tasks are finally tangible, and I can feel how that motivates me tremendously.

My plan going forward
I want to complete the remaining art as fast as possible, without rushing it, because I appreciate its importance. I want to reach the polishing state within the next 3-4 weeks.

Once I've reached that state of development, I will get a better feel of how much work it entails and hopefully get an estimate on the remaining render time.

Have a nice weekend.

Dr PinkCake
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May 19, 2023
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I don't have a lot to report this week as I've been working hard on the final lewd scene since last time. My daily schedule has mostly been animation work with a side of static renders and writing.

The animation queue is up to 61 animation files - but around 10 of them will be merged to make multi-angle animations and those only count as one animation in the final tally.

I estimate I'm more than halfway through the lewd scene, I will be able to wrap it up during next week, and after that I have some more writing and static renders to do for this main girl before I can move on to creating the missing phone content.

Back when I upgraded my hardware this development cycle, I got plenty of extra render power available. I thought about how I could use the increased render power to increase the quality of the art. As a result, I started experimenting with 60 fps animations.

The quality increased a lot with that change and the result can only be described as eye-candy. The animations looked more crisp and fluid, and I could easily spot the difference between those and the 30 fps ones.

With my PC upgrades, I will have more than doubled my render power meaning that there is capacity for this improvement going forward. But I don't want to overpromise something, as I'm still investigating how I can optimize this process and make it viable long-term.

For starters, roughly half of the animations you'll see in episode 10 will be in 60 fps. I hope it excites you and that you'll enjoy seeing more clear movements and jiggly things jiggle more fluidly.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake


Also a new preview with Sage

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May 19, 2023
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This week, I finished work on the lewd scene I had left and also art and writing for the story-related part of the connecting scene. I have also worked on the missing phone content, and I don't have much left in this area. That means I can enter the polishing phase sometime next week.

This week, I have also gotten my final PC upgrade up and running, meaning I'm done with PC upgrades for the time being. Even with 60 fps animations rendering, the render speed is faster than before, and I'm overjoyed.

Here's the updated checklist.

Checklist Episode 10
This is the current checklist of what's left to do before beta testing and proofreading can begin.

All static renders are done. 5725 produced.

All animations have been posed. 269 produced. 68 animations are in the render queue, and some will be merged into single animations. The final animation count hasn't been verified, but it will exceed that of episode 9 (303).

Phone content - Some Rooster and Chat app content remain. The Music app will need to be updated if more songs are added.

Bios - I always leave bios for the last part of the development.

Episode end report - The reports are written but need more testing.

Some SFX work remains; I will get to it when I polish the episode.

26 new songs have been added so far. Some work remains in this area for a few scenes.

My personal tests and polishing remain.

My thoughts on the checklist
The checklist looks very slim, and the polishing phase can start soon.

As always, the final static render and animation count will change due to polishing, but all the scenes I have planned for have been created.

While animations render, I will play and polish the episode, and I have plenty of work to do with this.

My plan going forward
Next week, I aim to finish the phone content as soon as possible and then start polishing the episode.

I have a chunk of text written for the polishing phase that I want to discuss, but this update is already getting lengthy, and I will save that for next week's update.

It feels great to enter one of the final phases of the episode development. Focusing on playing and improving the episode for the first time in different ways is always exciting. I have a lot of fun work and will get right to it.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake


Duelist King
Mar 12, 2022
last week's status update

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Long post incoming. TLDR if you don't want to read about the polishing process is that I'm currently playing and polishing Episode 10, and animations are rendering. Skip to the last section of the text if you want to read about bug fixes from v0.9.1.

My polishing process
Today, I figured I would describe my workflow during the polishing phase a little more in-depth than before. And I'll also exemplify how I've worked this past week. I've spent the better part of this week playing the game and taking detailed notes of what must be polished.

Until now, while I have worked with every part of the episode and completed all scenes, I haven't played more than a few playthroughs. There are several scenes I haven't even seen in-game yet.

In this phase of the development - the polishing phase - I play the episode and sometimes prior episodes repeatedly to improve the new content in as many areas as possible.

I play and polish in many different ways, focusing on different things each time. In some playthroughs, I focus solely on the visuals, inspecting every render and animation - spotting if something needs to be changed/fixed/improved/removed/added. I write notes in my code and then go back to fix it after I have racked up a decent list of to-dos.

In other playthroughs, I focus on the story, dialogue, grammar, and continuity and stop caring about other aspects of the game. Similar playthroughs happen for sound/music/mini-games/features/phone content, and more.

And when I'm near the end of this process, I play, trying to take it all in at once and absorb the entire experience.

My first week of polishing Episode 10
This week, I started polishing by playing some branches and looking at them with no particular focus. I tried to enjoy the episode and spot things to fix. My first playthrough was on the Jill branch with mini-games enabled. It took me roughly 15 hours to get through episode 10 while playing in a particularly meticulous way.

While playing, I actively made notes and fixed minor things, but I never rolled back to test fixes and always moved forward in the episode.

As a whole, her branch and content felt very good. Things I found that needed to be fixed after this first pass were:

  • Mini-games and their tutorials
  • Music and SFX
  • Choices
  • Details in renders
  • Dialogue
  • Some canon content
This is an example of a render to fix, and errors I find can be as small as this or something bigger.


This is just a reflection error on a bottle that caught my eye.

My second run clocked in at ~13 hours. It was an Others branch game where I saw many exclusive scenes yet missed some of them.

In this playthrough, I got to test a couple of lewd scenes for the first time - scenes that I posed back in January/February but had yet to play. On this pass, I found more things to fix:

  • More mini-game bugs
  • Bad dialogue
  • DIK affinity sections that were off
  • Missing music
  • A missing animation
  • Code that crashed a lewd scene
I made a few more playthroughs, and the to-do list grew longer with each of them. I started fixing the issues I found so I could create a new build. It's easier to spot mistakes in a build where it's a clean slate with no known issues. And that's what I'm working on right now.

The to-do list was pretty long, with minor to major things that must be fixed. After I have fixed everything, I will continue playing more with other types of branches and combinations. Rinse and repeat the process in different ways.

My thoughts on this process
And this is what my polishing process is all about and how I've done it for years. At first, the episode will feel very rough, but with each pass, it improves.

The funny and sad part about this is that even though I do this phase countless times for different branches and combinations, I will still miss things. Eventually, my brain grows accustomed to errors, and I can't spot what's wrong within a scene until it gets pointed out to me by someone else. Even something you would say is a glaring issue/error might slip through. But at some point, I will feel I've done what I could to polish the episode. And when I reach that point, and all art has been rendered, I use my team of testers and proofreader for the extra polishing step.

Even after all of that, the release will still have bugs, typos, and occasional errors, but it will be in a state where it's good enough to be released to Patrons and have considerably fewer bugs than it would have if I skipped the polishing phase.

I carry out this meticulous polishing process because I don't want players to be the game's beta testers. I don't think it's fair to put out an episode that hasn't been properly tested after all this time and causes big game-breaking bugs.

It might still happen, and I will kick myself for every single bug that slips through, but at least I can rest well knowing I and my team of testers did the best we could.

This is what I'll do in the upcoming weeks, and I'll try my best to report how it's coming along and what areas I've been working on.

List of fixed bugs
If there is a bug in the Interlude or Episode 9 (v0.9.1) that you are aware of but don't see on the list below, please report it on my Discord server in the bug-reports room, and I'll fix it for this upcoming release.

These are the bugs that have been reported and fixed for v0.10.0 so far, any other bugs you know of, I am unaware of:

  • Fixed a bug where the CHICK response on Elena's cluck would subtract one from the total number of CHICK actions instead of adding one.
  • Fixed a bug with the Below Budget perk, which increased the starting budget of the Halloween party by $5.
  • Fixed an issue with Sarah's and Melanie's optional event in the final free-roam event.
  • Fixed an issue with Sarah's optional event in the second free-roam event.
  • Fixed an issue with the timer hampering performance during the drawing mini-game in the Interlude.
  • Fixed an issue where a scene with Becky could happen after the first party activity. Now, it only triggers before this activity as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where save names sometimes reverted to old save file names.
  • Fixed a bug with the Wallpaper setting in the Settings app during the end of the Interlude that caused a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where Maya's lewd scene was stored incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug with the truth or dare game that caused an omission of truth when asked how many you've slept with.
  • Fixed an issue with Lily's gallery scene, causing an emote to misalign the text chat.
  • Fixed an issue with Lily's lewd scene where her tattoos were missing.
  • Updated the description of the Multiplier Madness perk. It worked as intended, but its description was off.
  • Corrected typos
Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake


Duelist King
Mar 12, 2022
today's one

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This is a short update on the progress for this week.

I've mainly worked on fixing everything on the to-do list I wrote while playing the first initial runs. I posed new renders and around six new SFW animation files that were needed. When writing this, the render queue is down to 52 animation files.

I've also worked a great deal on music and sound effects by adding new sounds and calls in the code. The free-roam events needed polishing, and I worked on minor things like money/special render placements and bigger things like scene variations and phone chats/Rooster.

After completing the list of to-dos, I played a couple of extra playthroughs on Sage's and Isabella's branches and started writing a new to-do list.

I needed a small break from that kind of work and started fixing dialogue by parsing all the text of episode 10 instead. Dialogue, phone content, mini-game content - everything written was parsed and polished, which took me nearly three days using software as an aid. Parsing dialogue helps the upcoming proofreading process. I usually do this once per episode, and now it's done for episode 10.

Now, I'm back to playing the game again, and my focus next week will be looking into choices, consequences, affinities, and variations of scenes. I'll specifically look into extending and altering scenes that need it and ensuring that variations can be reached based on previous choices. I'll be playing a bit of every branch to cover as much ground as possible with this focus in regard.

Have a nice weekend.

Dr PinkCake

new previews

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Tier 2 Sub
Sep 12, 2022
Release Date for Episode 10


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It is my absolute pleasure to announce the Patreon release dates for:


Being a DIK - Episode 10: Calm Before the Snow (v0.10.0)

  • Huge DIK ($25+) tiers: Friday, December 8
  • DIK ($10+) tiers: Monday, December 11
  • Mini DIK ($5) tier: Friday, December 22 (Patch only, needs Season 3 base game to play)
Beta testing is fairing well, and many issues have been found and fixed. Testers and proofreader are still working hard to help me add the final layer of polishing that the episode and you deserve.

On release, there will be a patch with a file size of 5 GB. And there will be a full version, including the Interlude and episodes 9 & 10, with a file size of 12 GB.

I recommend downloading the full version if you don't know how to patch your game. There will be clear instructions in the .zip file telling you how to patch your game.

Treat Season 3 as a stand-alone game; don't merge it with Season 1 & 2 data.

Merging the game with Seasons 1 and 2 will corrupt both games. I will not assist with errors and re-downloads due to faulty patching and copy & pasting. So, please make backup copies of your games before you attempt to patch them.

Need help with something?
My time to aid with installations and issues is extremely limited. Please join my Discord server for faster help with any problems during the release. The community is excellent for providing fast help to most of your problems.


Let the countdown begin.


Dr PinkCake


Tier 2 Sub
Sep 12, 2022
Previews for EP10 while we wait for release

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See you all next week!


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Episode 10 dropped :hyperz:
Links (please someone put them in the OP):
Season 3 + Episode 10:
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Patch (from Ep 9 to EP 10):
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022

This week I focused mostly on art. I've been working on several scenes in a special part of the episode. I thought I'd be posing more animations this week, but I ended up working on static renders and code.
Some scenes I work on are slow to pose because the renders require more work than usual. But I'm enjoying it, and working with these high-quality environments is fun.
For the first time, I hit a RAM usage of 100+ GB during rendering, so it's a bit straining even for my systems. Load times make posing a bit more tedious than usual, but it's doable.
I think I'm around 40-50% done with posing this part of the episode and will continue working on it next week.
Happy easter if you celebrate it, or enjoy the girls if you don't - or both!


You can download the image in full resolution in the attachment below. I'll take a day off this weekend for the Holidays, but I will work as usual other than that. Thanks for your continued support.
Dr PinkCake

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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
I've worked on fairly big story scenes all week, chugging my way through the dialogue files and scenes chronologically.

I've mostly posed static renders and a couple of SFW animations. I've been working on canon story, Josy & Maya and Others branches.

Looking at my main dialogue file, I've made art for approximately half of what's currently written, meaning I have plenty left to do before I need to write again.

I feel I have a great flow since I can focus on one thing every day without worrying about the animation queue running out of files. Hopefully, this will lead to more previews for you guys soon.

Next week, I will likely work on a lesser free-roam event and more canon story scenes. Scrolling through the dialogue file, I have some upcoming fun scenes to create.

Patreon reward
It's the third week of the Art Day renders, and today, I'm sharing the ones I made of Josy and Lily.

The community request was akin to Lily showing Josy the ropes of working at the Pink Rose. After some polls about outfits, environments, and more, this is the result that the community helped me create.

Enjoy! Download the 4k and full HD versions from the attachments below.

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Two more weeks of Art Day renders remain.

Have an awesome weekend!

Dr PinkCake


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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This week, I worked through a free-roam event and some other story scenes. I also wrote dialogue so that I could continue making the art in chronological order. As static renders were continuously being rendered, I had to do plenty of post-processing and spot rendering (the process involved in fixing clipping issues).

Today, I'm working on the art needed for scenes surrounding Brawler. Next week, I'll be working on canon scenes only and will likely stop working chronologically. There are some gaps in what's written, and I'd rather push on making art than write at the moment.

41 animation files and ~100 static renders are currently in the render queue.

In June, I'll take a few days off here and there, but I won't be taking any week-long vacations this year as I rather work. Even so, I wanted to mention that I won't be working 7-day weeks in June. As always, PCs will be rendering animations 24/7.

Patreon reward
In the fourth week of Art Day renders, it's time to show what the community came up with for Sage. I don't think I have to say what the request was for you to understand it.






Enjoy! Download the 4k and full HD versions from the attachments below. Next Friday will be the final part of the Art Day Patreon reward.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake

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