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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
We had this already l, but she has no idea how much work a farm is. And more important how much money it costs. All the money she made till now will be gone in less then a year. That's why I think she won't buy a farm. Especially not in Australia, that country is fucking expensive.
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May 8, 2024
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Thank you for pointing this out. I could go back and spend money on her, but I don't want to because of the things I point out that I would like to see change and even if she changes them, I'm still not going to go back. Reason being is, I don't know at that point if she is being genuine. Also, the reason she does anything line from her is BULLSHIT. She is lying to everyone. So if she says she does XYZ because of this or that, it's BULLSHIT. There are reasons why she has done things the way she has in the past few years and she hasn't told anyone but a very select few the truth. I wasn't one of the select few, but I knew one of them. Don't fall for her sob stories and lies on what she will do and why she won't do something.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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Man you are way to invested in this girl, and it seems like you are angry that you where not part of the select few. Please my man for your own sake take a step back and stop obsessing about her, not trying to be mean or anything but for real for your own mental health step away from this girl. The cold hard truth is, you are just fan #1234 to her, you might have told her shit about yourself, or what ever you have talked with this girl. This isn't healthy.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
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Over 2 years ago, when I still liked her, I even believed she would buy a farm. Although I was suspicious at the time that she moved to Australia specifically for that. But after all this time it just became unbelievable. Last year someone asked her about the farm on stream, and what a surprise, she had no answers. Two years after she moved, she didn't even know what the laws were, if she could even buy land as a non-citizen, where and how she could buy the land and what price range it was. Nothing. If she was really interested in the farm, she would have done research before she move halfway around the world, or not? She's been lying the whole time, she will never buy a farm imo.
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Jan 30, 2022
After reading through this...I've got a doubt. What are we more hoping to get from her? She showing more skin, she having a variety in her 'contents' , stop milking her 'fans' , invested her savings in a farm...a real farm, not the Twitch of farm, she having or not having a partner who provides dick and love to her... Like if a magical genie comes here and asks us for a wish related to bebahan...what are we asking?


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
Don't care if she milks her simps, nor if she has a partner or not. And i also don't care if she'd show more skin or if she stays in the lingerie department, but she should stop scaming people.

Thirst traps all over her socials are one thing, but using that to trick people into her OF is just lowest level. Suggesting and impyling all kind of things, without it ever being clearly stated somewhere what she actually does is scam. She just takes adventege of OF reputation to sell censored pics with emojis as PPV with a shady description and some expensive, repetetive Instagram pics on her wall. And none of this would be anything new in this time we live in if she didn't immediately ban everyone who shows any kind of dissatisfaction and delete comments everywhere just so that no one notices how she's ripping people off.

She has a whole army of white knights who even here and everywhere on the internet are trying to sell the image of her, what a great person she is. loving and caring while attacking everyone, justifying everything she does, trying to downplay her doing and complaining about people who show dissatisfaction torwards her. As long as they are here, I will do the same and show people what her true face looks like. And you can call me too to invested, i don't care. I've seen all kind of things in the years i watched her, all the lies she told and is telling, all the contradictions, all the things she's done to people, even emotional hurting them, all the censoring, all the ripping off people while playing the innocent angel. She doesn't care for anyone, she is ice cold and ruthless. As long as you give her money everything is fine, once you stop you are gone. This is her true face, and not what the white knights are trying to cover up with essays that are simply meant to distract. And I want people to know so that they don't fall into her trap like many others because otherwise there is no way to show her true face without the mask.

Everyone should still have at least a shred of decency and moral not to justify such peoples doing.
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Mar 14, 2022
Like the vast majority (probably), I'm just here for the free content (thanks everyone that shares for any creator!). I've never invested financially or emotionally with a creator (except throwing the odd sub at someone, male or female, if I like their content and they seem genuine).

I do however, check up on this discussion thread occasionally because frankly, it's hilarious. I watch a bunch of male and female creators to different levels. Even the biggest OF shills don't have this level of unhinged though, so I'm guessing it's not the norm?

Bebahan's streams are honestly unwatchable with the levels of cringe from start to finish. Is it because she hits that weird sweetspot of being "girl nextdoor" vibe, that sometimes plays up to a cheeky side? Maybe people who are super overtly "hey I do OF" don't attract the same kinds of people? Or is it how she interacts with her community? (I'm not on her discord or anything so not sure how she is except for on-stream where I've watched tiny bits)

She's good looking, but has a super wooden personality in my opinion - and that really comes across so strong I find it really hard to engage with. There's also a LOAD of good looking women out there, so what is it about her that attracts parasocial relationships?
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Apr 24, 2022
I don't see any reason to doubt her goal of wanting to buy a farm. She does lie about certain things (boobjob), but that's quite a commitment to make in public. If she ends up blowing the money on other things, that could end her career. It's honestly not all that interesting to me to argue about what she does with her money. Let's imagine she does lie about that goal. It wouldn't affect whether I sub to her OF or not. I'd might be less willing to be part of her community, but I'm not part of it and don't interact with her or her fans, so it doesn't matter to me.

Her content is a bit stale, I'll agree, but I think it's ok. I'd say her content is about average for what you'd expect from your twitch-to-onlyfans model.

Slight sidenote, but I'll just repeat some advice I gave many pages back to CK/Alucard. His return is welcomed, but he seems to have gone 3x as hard on his essay writing:
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Bathwater Drinker
May 6, 2023
At the end of the day guys. What's the chances of anyone of us ever seeing Hannah in real life ? I'll still go with a 1% chance. I'm a very optimistic person so I never rule anything out tbh. But some guys on here who write essays to defend Hannah. Seriously need to have a good hard luck in the mirror and that also goes for her hardcore simps as well on twitch. It's ok to fancy Hannah but I feel it's boarder line obsession at this point.

Like I said before in pervious posts . I enjoy her Vlogs on her YouTube and i would like her to do more of them but I find her other stuff far too stale to watch at this point. Same goes for her OF page as well. I would like to see her fully naked but right now just have to learn to accept that might not happen.

But what are these guys who are true white knights going to do when she leaves twitch for good ? I honestly don't see her on twitch in the next 5 years tbh. Further more she will never get this magical farm she keeps banging on about. I remember last year on her stream she did fuck all looking into this farm she desperately wants. I purposely think it's a cop out!!

What I find hilarious about Hannah is she gets creeped out by talking about sex on her stream and even looking at the dungeon videos as well. But yet she probably flicks her bean every night or gets fucked every weekend haha 😄


Mar 14, 2022
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Basically what Onibomber said below. She doesn't seem natural in her conversation; it feels like a very obvious front to me - like she knows responding to all the cringe donos in an "awww" kind of way, keeps them around, rather than because she genuinely likes it. I guess that's to be expected - but I guess my point is she isn't very good at faking it, so it comes across really not genuine.

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May 8, 2024
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Apply the logic you use here to her OF's page and that's maybe why we get the same photos over and over. She doesn't know how to take a sexy photo for the masses. She takes all her own photos, no one is directing her and they come off as just a woman being held hostage taking a photo that she doesn't want to take. As others have said, don't care if she goes full nude or not, just be honest with what your doing and apply yourself to what you are doing. I guess that's asking for too much from some.
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