Trans Discussion Trans girls/femboys with the biggest loads

  • Brazilian TGirls can be found in the Brazilian Trans section of the forum.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022
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Mar 17, 2022
Nah, some if not most of it is fake I'm pretty sure. Part 1 has him spurting a bunch of cum but his cock is barely flexing at all. That tells me that he probably has a tube hidden along the top of his cock and up under his shirt to squirt fake cum. This is further evidenced by Part 2, where I believe at 25 seconds in you can just barely see a rigid white thing sitting on top of his glans, just above his urethra. Pretty sure that's a rubber tube.

Additionally, on part 3, you can clearly see his bare pubic area, i.e. no tube, and likewise his cumshot is much more normal in this one. The next two videos are pixelated, making it easy to hide a clear tube, while the final video posted by goldenegg77 is suspect because on both legs is a device of some kind. the silver/gray one on his right leg is probably the controller for the fuck machine, while the pink on on his left could be a controller/pump for fake cum with a bladder hidden under his clothes.

Alternatively, there is a practice among trans camgirls where they essentially inject fake cum into their dicks/prostate through their urethra. It's very risky, but can result in some very impressive "loads". He could very well be doing that.

Edit: I meant "Bladder" not "prostate". And here's a video to show what I'm talking about.
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After comparing the videos above to this one, I definitely think that this is how he came so much in those videos.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022
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Interesting. That might explain the huge load on the second gif. I agree that some videos are suspect. But then again some people have what's called hyperspermia. And since he's a CD dude, it's possible that he has some kind of condition. I think the amount of fluid is too much and too thick to be an injectable. He may possibly have a very large prostate which he appears to strongly stimulate. My conclusion is he's one in a million.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022
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