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Simp Chat yui hiiragi/柊ゆい / Sato Nozomi - Discussion Thread

She is overweight by Japanese standards and she has a big face which is considered ugly (or at least, not appealing) on women in Japan. So its mostly a thing of being on the wrong place.

Also she seems to have high standards for who to date. I remember she once posted a list of requirements she needs in a man and she had shit like "Must make at least [I don´t remember what exactly she wrote but it was a big paycheck] a month" a stuff like that.
i do believe she is overweight but im not buying the "i need someone that makes 7 figures a month and can satisfy my masochist behavior".
i do believe she is overweight but im not buying the "i need someone that makes 7 figures a month and can satisfy my masochist behavior".
It's just a fake to shake off those stupid men who come on to you.
She didn't become an idol effortlessly either, so she is looking for a partner who is at least as hard working as she is.
We just need that remaining audio clip, and I hope it's not a back number where he has to pay 10k JPY one-time.
believing individuals getting paid 6-7 digits in USD terms annually not having any kind of relationship like normal human being is probably more schizo than someone marrying a red flag thinking they can fix her tbh

like yeah of course we know most of these girls have had or has a relationship, so what? Anyone normal would.
>says there are a lot
>only names one
I do recall moona having a fiance if im not wrong but aside from that, no real proof the others have any.
Also, this be some schizo behavior lol.
Korone is confirmed to have been married at some point, her husband showed up in her pre-vtubbing channel. Some people said they divorced but that´s a baseless rumor.
Towa is was also known to have a boyfriend in her previous identity.
Marine is good looking, charismatic, sociable, and sexually forward, there is no way in hell she doesn´t at least have a fuck buddy.
It is normal to assume that a woman at the age of 30-40 would be in some sort of relationship with a man. It is good that they found someone to be happy with.
Korone is confirmed to have been married at some point, her husband showed up in her pre-vtubbing channel. Some people said they divorced but that´s a baseless rumor.
Towa is was also known to have a boyfriend in her previous identity.
Marine is good looking, charismatic, sociable, and sexually forward, there is no way in hell she doesn´t at least have a fuck buddy.
its even funnier for towa because that said boyfriend ended up joining the same company, or at least the story goes.
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