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Discussion The Beacons Have Been Lit! We Ride At Dawn!


Mar 13, 2022
Brothers! Hear me now! I call upon your aid at this perilous hour. For too long we have stumbled in the dark, living our lives from one bleak moment to another without hope, without comfort, without the boobies we have craved to see for over a decade but our hearts denied. Now, now there is hope. A fool's hope, true, but even a tiny glimmer of light may shine bright like diamonds against the black backdrop of sorrow and woe. Raychul Moore had long ago announced she would free the boobies should her Only Fans ever reach one thousand strong. I could not find it in my heart to believe it myself for a time, but alas, not even a fortnight ago she unveiled her subscriber count for all to see. A paltry 362 members as of the hour of my call. Whilst others had become crestfallen for the road is long, I am not. Indeed, I say the road we have already traveled in this quest of patient attrition is far longer that what lay before us now. For the meager price of two large pizzas and a liter of the finest cola, you could subscribe to thine lady's channel for 3 months. Ask yourself my brothers, and possibly sisters, would you welcome another year of apocalyptic horror befallen upon us since 2020 without seeing something pure and wonderful as her boobs unveiled? Do we not all deserve in these trying times a morsel of solace? A revitalizing sight of wonder to assure us all that the world shall once more be right again? If you have but a sliver of faith left in this world of purgatory, place it gently in the bosom of Raychul Moore and let the light shine brighter upon this mortal plane.
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