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"Lisa is an adult person making adult decisions", that could have stopped right here. Everything else doesn't matter. But let's talk about your points:

You and a lot of old people or religious people that consider "sex worker" as a "icky/dirty", but then would go to engage on the services of such persons are the funniest thing ever. The way that you are saying, it looks like she killed/scam/whatever someone which she didn't, she is just providing content for anyone that wants to pay.

No one said that she should be "encouraged" to do "sex work", they should just gfto and stfu about decisions that her adult daughter(close to 30 years old) made unless that directly affect her health (drugs and self destruction stuff like that). Everything after that on that paragraph seems like a super religious person that thinks everything should follow that they think is the best, even after they are adults that can support themselves.

Yes, agree 100%. If you would just say:

"Lisa's an adult making adult decisions, the pragmatic mentality that I would adopt if I was in that family would amount to "I may not agree with her decisions but I do care about her and hope she's happy/I wish the best things in life for her" and pretty much leave it at that. Her family shouldn't be trying to interfere in her life."

It would be a perfect statement.
I suppose the most succinct and respectful way of addressing this reply is for me to say that we have a difference of opinion and that's all there is to it.

It's helpful to see potential multiple perspectives on how someone ended up in a situation such as Lisa's having upset her family with her career path and it seems unlikely that every single person in her family has a personal agenda in asking her to leave the industry.

Not intending to power-level here, but I'm a millennial and not religious whatsoever. My calling sex work "icky/dirty" has much less to do with my own personal views and more to do with my observations of how American culture perceives sex work as opposed to other developed nations. Lisa is Canadian (I think?) but she lives in the States as do I and therefore we're subjected to the judgment of how one should behave in American society based on what kinds of jobs we have, the company we keep, etc. Even if Lisa's family is Canadian, I can't imagine that Canadian society would have wildly different familial morals that are espoused to Canadian youth.

As far as "engaging the services of such persons goes", I'm not a subscriber of hers nor have I sat through one of her streams - I'm just some yutz on the Internet having a discussion in a discussion thread on a moderately well-known Twitch streamer who got into sex work through Onlyfans and Fansly. Not only that, I've never subscribed to someone on Onlyfans and more than anything, just a casual observer.

In America, sex work isn't considered high culture or an honorable profession because a lot of people see porn and open sexuality as being taboo subjects that people discuss or enjoy privately/discreetly. When a person has an Onlyfans account, it isn't considered a badge of honor, it's a punchline when referring to a person's options when they lack real-world skills and have more going for themself in the looks department. It's also a form of legalized prostitution, which itself is a pretty taboo concept despite it being around for centuries (brothels/whorehouses included). People can be as sex-positive as they want, but we haven't gotten to the point where the stigma around having anything to do with sex work is removed and it's as common/accepted as a middle-class job. If most families are embarrassed by their family members providing some form of sexual gratification to strangers as a means of sustaining a living, that's a good litmus test for how that society perceives sex work. A more in-depth, academic analysis would turn up more data with regards to the specific reasons behind what causes a family's embarrassment around a subject such as sex work (i.e. religion, etc.)
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I suppose the most succinct and respectful way of addressing this reply is for me to say that we have a difference of opinion and that's all there is to it.

It's helpful to see potential multiple perspectives on how someone ended up in a situation such as Lisa's having upset her family with her career path and it seems unlikely that every single person in her family has a personal agenda in asking her to leave the industry.

Not intending to power-level here, but I'm a millennial and not religious whatsoever. My calling sex work "icky/dirty" has much less to do with my own personal views and more to do with my observations of how American culture perceives sex work as opposed to other developed nations. Lisa is Canadian (I think?) but she lives in the States as do I and therefore we're subjected to the judgment of how one should behave in American society based on what kinds of jobs we have, the company we keep, etc. Even if Lisa's family is Canadian, I can't imagine that Canadian society would have wildly different familial morals that are espoused to Canadian youth.

As far as "engaging the services of such persons goes", I'm not a subscriber of hers nor have I sat through one of her streams - I'm just some yutz on the Internet having a discussion in a discussion thread on a moderately well-known Twitch streamer who got into sex work through Onlyfans and Fansly. Not only that, I've never subscribed to someone on Onlyfans and more than anything, just a casual observer.

In America, sex work isn't considered high culture or an honorable profession because a lot of people see porn and open sexuality as being taboo subjects that people discuss or enjoy privately/discreetly. When a person has an Onlyfans account, it isn't considered a badge of honor, it's a punchline when referring to a person's options when they lack real-world skills and have more going for themself in the looks department. It's also a form of legalized prostitution, which itself is a pretty taboo concept despite it being around for centuries (brothels/whorehouses included). People can be as sex-positive as they want, but we haven't gotten to the point where the stigma around having anything to do with sex work is removed and it's as common/accepted as a middle-class job. If most families are embarrassed by their family members providing some form of sexual gratification to strangers as a means of sustaining a living, that's a good litmus test for how that society perceives sex work. A more in-depth, academic analysis would turn up more data with regards to the specific reasons behind what causes a family's embarrassment around a subject such as sex work (i.e. religion, etc.)

If you have strict parents that also grown up with strict parents, that would be enough. Let's say for example that your grand grandfather told you grandfather that if you knock in the wood 3 times you'll "unjinx" something that you said, that's a thing that you father will likely pass to you as well. It's a dumb thing that ofc doesn't work, but people will still pass on this "tradition". The same way that sex work was(and tbh i still) seeing as a bad thing it's just cuz of the old and religious people that keep passing that "tradition" that sex work = bad/taboo and so on.

And that's exactly what i'm trying to say, Americans are in general very religious and sometimes ignorant people that forget that there are other countries with different "traditions". I have no idea how the Canadian people see sex workers, but since US is a major influence in a lot of countries, i'd say the same way. I'm also from the Americas, but in the South part(that's why my english is not the best(being dyslexic doesn't help either)), here a lot of people also view sex workers as bad for the same reason, old people that are extremely religious that should just stfu.

I don't consider what Lisa is doing as "sex work", unless she is actually doing sex, it's just a "performance", don't have anything to add to the other stuff.

Ofc is not for the reasons that i talked about before, lots of people that would love to talk more about sex but can't cuz people see this as a bad thing. Is working at a Fast Food place a "badge of honor"? Is collecting the trash or cleaning the trash of other people a "badge of honor"? None of those things are a "career", IMHO Onlyfans/fansly or whatever is just another job that people can earn a lot of money easily and a lot of people would do anything to get a easy job like that(if i were a hot girl or tbh you don't even need to be hot, i'd do of/fansly 100%). I don't know why prostitution is not allowed, like you said, it's being around for centuries and people still see as a bad thing, it can be a bad thing if people do shady stuff, but what can't? About the family stuff, that also goes back to the start of what i said.
If you have strict parents that also grown up with strict parents, that would be enough. Let's say for example that your grand grandfather told you grandfather that if you knock in the wood 3 times you'll "unjinx" something that you said, that's a thing that you father will likely pass to you as well. It's a dumb thing that ofc doesn't work, but people will still pass on this "tradition". The same way that sex work was(and tbh i still) seeing as a bad thing it's just cuz of the old and religious people that keep passing that "tradition" that sex work = bad/taboo and so on.

And that's exactly what i'm trying to say, Americans are in general very religious and sometimes ignorant people that forget that there are other countries with different "traditions". I have no idea how the Canadian people see sex workers, but since US is a major influence in a lot of countries, i'd say the same way. I'm also from the Americas, but in the South part(that's why my english is not the best(being dyslexic doesn't help either)), here a lot of people also view sex workers as bad for the same reason, old people that are extremely religious that should just stfu.

I don't consider what Lisa is doing as "sex work", unless she is actually doing sex, it's just a "performance", don't have anything to add to the other stuff.

Ofc is not for the reasons that i talked about before, lots of people that would love to talk more about sex but can't cuz people see this as a bad thing. Is working at a Fast Food place a "badge of honor"? Is collecting the trash or cleaning the trash of other people a "badge of honor"? None of those things are a "career", IMHO Onlyfans/fansly or whatever is just another job that people can earn a lot of money easily and a lot of people would do anything to get a easy job like that(if i were a hot girl or tbh you don't even need to be hot, i'd do of/fansly 100%). I don't know why prostitution is not allowed, like you said, it's being around for centuries and people still see as a bad thing, it can be a bad thing if people do shady stuff, but what can't? About the family stuff, that also goes back to the start of what i said.
Your English is fine.

This discussion thread has debated the merits of whether Lisa's work qualifies as sex work or not in the past and I think most have agreed that she's a sex worker even if the content she makes for Onlyfans or Fansly hasn't included penetrative acts including but not limited to masturbation or sex or displays of her body that include full nudity. Her content is sexually suggestive enough and the language she uses in a lot of her videos is sexual in nature, all the while being on platforms where it's understood that sex work is the leading reason why a person has an account on that platform.

I think the social debate around sex work has largely settled into a modern framework that won't change much because we've mostly agreed on what's considered moral and responsible behavior as it speaks to sex and sexuality.

In addition to brothels and whorehouses, men - mainly well-to-do/famous/public figures - also had mistresses in addition to wives. A lot of these men from long ago who frequently patronized whorehouses/brothels or had mistresses probably presented themselves as upstanding, Christian men with morals even if they led contradictory lives. Over time, brothels/whorehouses became illegal and having a mistress was considered immoral/unfashionable owing to the moral implications. The point being, Western society over the last few hundred years in particular has flirted with many sexual taboos that are well-documented and explored to the degree that we recognize them as being mistakes of the past with an eye towards not repeating them or encouraging their return.

The only way that I see the tide turning for anyone involved in sex work and altering the perception of sex workers as being equal to that of an average job is if the government steps in and legalizes/regulates these industries with a focus on messaging and empowerment by being a sex worker - or at the very least, you'd need to have people involved in advertising/image consulting/marketing take that giant leap/risk of legitimizing sex work and commercializing it to the degree that it could be advertised and promoted the same ways that food/clothing is (which cannot be promoted/advertised in that same manner legally for obvious reasons). It could then be seen as how you described it, a job that allows people to earn some unknown amount of money with less scrutiny devoted to the profession in question.

Additionally, the public perception of sex workers would need to change dramatically. You'd have to get real class act individuals to be willing to get involved in sex work either as a side hustle or a main gig and have them act as well-spoken, well-dressed, well-adjusted, confident spokesmen/women for their sex industries. Unfortunately, the stereotypes of sex workers - uneducated/less-educated, trashy personality, sexy (slutty) clothing, mental issues, a lack of airs, etc. doesn't jibe with well-spoken, well-dressed, well-adjusted and confident individuals that can represent themselves and their industries well. If you can't present sex work during career day at school (again, legal reasons), this is another reason why sex work is never something that's going to be perceived as legitimate in Western culture.

There's also been a female-led push to de-sexualize a lot of society which then leads to the discouragement of getting into Onlyfans/Fansly-type work. It's been in the works for a long time and #MeToo probably acted as a major catalyst for this. Not all of this is bad because men were due for a reckoning as a result of their bad behavior towards women for decades. That said, the perception of sex work (Onlyfans/Fansly/etc. inclusive) remains icky/dirty partly because the messaging as a part of this de-sexualization movement suggests that they shouldn't be catering to sexual industries where men remain the primary customer and therefore devaluing their worth in the world by showing their bodies or performing sexual acts.
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Yeah, that's actually true. I see a lot of woman that "don't need men", "men are disgusting" and so on, the future doesn't look bright with all that bs.
"Lisa is an adult person making adult decisions", that could have stopped right here. Everything else doesn't matter. But let's talk about your points:

You and a lot of old people or religious people that consider "sex worker" as a "icky/dirty", but then would go to engage on the services of such persons are the funniest thing ever. The way that you are saying, it looks like she killed/scam/whatever someone which she didn't, she is just providing content for anyone that wants to pay.

No one said that she should be "encouraged" to do "sex work", they should just gfto and stfu about decisions that her adult daughter(close to 30 years old) made unless that directly affect her health (drugs and self destruction stuff like that). Everything after that on that paragraph seems like a super religious person that thinks everything should follow that they think is the best, even after they are adults that can support themselves.

Yes, agree 100%. If you would just say:

"Lisa's an adult making adult decisions, the pragmatic mentality that I would adopt if I was in that family would amount to "I may not agree with her decisions but I do care about her and hope she's happy/I wish the best things in life for her" and pretty much leave it at that. Her family shouldn't be trying to interfere in her life."

It would be a perfect statement.
I'm assuming you're someone that lives in a first world country if not the US. The fact of the matter is that majority of cultures/nations around the world view sex work as "icky/dirty" and I'm not talking about developed nations but also third world nations such as the one where I am from. And no it's not just due to religion. Even atheistic anti religious dictatorships have historically condemned the practice and people involved in it, often hypocritically yes. Take China for example. Not only is it not religious (though you could argue worshiping the state is a religion in and of itself), but it actively stymies religious practice and prosecutes religious people. In China there's a lot of brothels, and they are all illegal. The government will turn a blind eye to most people using them, but if you step over some line or become too big of a public figure they can and have executed people before for either offering services or requesting them.

Like China many of these places have allowed the practice in the background behind public view, which makes sense as it is called the oldest profession. But hypocritical or not, it is true that these societies still largely condemn it. To act as if just because you believe it should be embraced as a respected profession suddenly history no longer matters or that everyone in the world would think the same as you is very egotistical.

Based on that, yes her parent's suggestions would be far better for her social fulfillment in the long term, than if she capitulated to your desire to show you her naked body.

Now whether sex work is actually as good for women/society as you claim it to be, that is a pretty complex topic that requires the analysis of several aspects of it and how those aspects affect society. Furthermore considering that we have only recently in modern history started allowing this to become mainstream, we still don'r know what the effects will truly be until we see them in 30-50 years when this generation grows older. One thing is for certain though, it is not black and white like your are portraying it to be.

If we look at currently early signs we can see a large part of these women who start onlyfans have mentioned themselves that they have trouble finding partners. Similarly we have seen stories of kids being bullied in schools for their mom having an onlyfans. Birth rates continue to decline and Adults are increasingly forgoing relationships. True many of these are anecdotal but it certainly doesn't seem as great as you make it sound.
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I've said this earlier in this thread, but Im glad its J and not one of those Twitch streamers who like to ruin everything and make me want to go commit a crime.

i'm sorry what?
I'm assuming you're someone that lives in a first world country if not the US. The fact of the matter is that majority of cultures/nations around the world view sex work as "icky/dirty" and I'm not talking about developed nations but also third world nations such as the one where I am from. And no it's not just due to religion. Even atheistic anti religious dictatorships have historically condemned the practice and people involved in it, often hypocritically yes. Take China for example. Not only is it not religious (though you could argue worshiping the state is a religion in and of itself), but it actively stymies religious practice and prosecutes religious people. In China there's a lot of brothels, and they are all illegal. The government will turn a blind eye to most people using them, but if you step over some line or become too big of a public figure they can and have executed people before for either offering services or requesting them.

Like China many of these places have allowed the practice in the background behind public view, which makes sense as it is called the oldest profession. But hypocritical or not, it is true that these societies still largely condemn it. To act as if just because you believe it should be embraced as a respected profession suddenly history no longer matters or that everyone in the world would think the same as you is very egotistical.

Based on that, yes her parent's suggestions would be far better for her social fulfillment in the long term, than if she capitulated to your desire to show you her naked body.

Now whether sex work is actually as good for women/society as you claim it to be, that is a pretty complex topic that requires the analysis of several aspects of it and how those aspects affect society. Furthermore considering that we have only recently in modern history started allowing this to become mainstream, we still don'r know what the effects will truly be until we see them in 30-50 years when this generation grows older. One thing is for certain though, it is not black and white like your are portraying it to be.

If we look at currently early signs we can see a large part of these women who start onlyfans have mentioned themselves that they have trouble finding partners. Similarly we have seen stories of kids being bullied in schools for their mom having an onlyfans. Birth rates continue to decline and Adults are increasingly forgoing relationships. True many of these are anecdotal but it certainly doesn't seem as great as you make it sound.

I do not. Yes, like i said, that's usually cuz of religion but not only because of that, a lot of countries like to follow another big country, most of the time people follow the US cuz is the most influential country for some time now, if the US says something is bad, a lot of other countries will also follow that, another thing is like i said, there's a lot of old people with power in the government of those places and since most of those people are pretty much useless, they don't do anything or usually make things worst, anyway, you got the idea. I have no idea where you saw that China doesn't have religious stuff, you should prolly search a little bit more.

Like in a lot of places that you are forbidden to do stuff, people will still do it, doesn't really matter if there's a law against it, sex is part of the life of everybody and if someone doesn't manage to get a partner and someone is willing to get a extra cash, well, there's a prostitution right there. Never said that it should be embraced or anything, just said that it's just a job like any other, it's just that people have things against cuz sex is taboo in a lot of places.

If she would be a minor, i would agree 100% with you, but she's not, she's a 29 years old, capable adult with no known mental illness, meaning that any decision that she takes it's up to her decide if that's worth or not. Her parents can disagree with her, but definitely should do any type of emotional blackmail for her to stop doing what she is doing, unless like i said it's something that could physically harm her, like drugs or any type of self destruction stuff.

Never claimed anything, let alone that's something exclusive to women, i simply said that this should be treated as a normal job if the person has the mental capacity to do and is a adult. Again, never said it was, but every step will always face problems, like people had when weed was legalized in a lot of places, before that, you would see people saying that only criminal people would do stuff like that, what happened to that? People just saw that it wasn't really a big deal and that was it, didn't do too much research on this, but i also haven't heard anything about that for a long time.

I tried searching for any info about OF girls having problems finding partners, but couldn't find any actual stuff, did find a article saying that it was because of the job, meaning that the partner would not like to see her doing what she was doing (doing content for other men, for example) and other that i better not comment. Tried searching for that too, but a lot of what i read was just "saw on reddit, so must be true", not saying that it prolly won't happen, but kids do bully others just cuz of yes, it's not something new. Birth rates are indeed declining, but it's definitely not because of adult content, one of the reason is that it's just too expensive to have and maintain a kid and people just don't wanna deal with it. Again, i never said that is great or anything, just said that it's just another job.
How can people write such walls of text on a porn forum... This must be some next level post nut clarity that I just cannot experience.

don't you want to get to the bottom of why stpeach isn't making sextapes? crack that code and the fappening 2.0 will be upon us
I do not. Yes, like i said, that's usually cuz of religion but not only because of that, a lot of countries like to follow another big country, most of the time people follow the US cuz is the most influential country for some time now, if the US says something is bad, a lot of other countries will also follow that, another thing is like i said, there's a lot of old people with power in the government of those places and since most of those people are pretty much useless, they don't do anything or usually make things worst, anyway, you got the idea. I have no idea where you saw that China doesn't have religious stuff, you should prolly search a little bit more.

Like in a lot of places that you are forbidden to do stuff, people will still do it, doesn't really matter if there's a law against it, sex is part of the life of everybody and if someone doesn't manage to get a partner and someone is willing to get a extra cash, well, there's a prostitution right there. Never said that it should be embraced or anything, just said that it's just a job like any other, it's just that people have things against cuz sex is taboo in a lot of places.

If she would be a minor, i would agree 100% with you, but she's not, she's a 29 years old, capable adult with no known mental illness, meaning that any decision that she takes it's up to her decide if that's worth or not. Her parents can disagree with her, but definitely should do any type of emotional blackmail for her to stop doing what she is doing, unless like i said it's something that could physically harm her, like drugs or any type of self destruction stuff.

Never claimed anything, let alone that's something exclusive to women, i simply said that this should be treated as a normal job if the person has the mental capacity to do and is a adult. Again, never said it was, but every step will always face problems, like people had when weed was legalized in a lot of places, before that, you would see people saying that only criminal people would do stuff like that, what happened to that? People just saw that it wasn't really a big deal and that was it, didn't do too much research on this, but i also haven't heard anything about that for a long time.

I tried searching for any info about OF girls having problems finding partners, but couldn't find any actual stuff, did find a article saying that it was because of the job, meaning that the partner would not like to see her doing what she was doing (doing content for other men, for example) and other that i better not comment. Tried searching for that too, but a lot of what i read was just "saw on reddit, so must be true", not saying that it prolly won't happen, but kids do bully others just cuz of yes, it's not something new. Birth rates are indeed declining, but it's definitely not because of adult content, one of the reason is that it's just too expensive to have and maintain a kid and people just don't wanna deal with it. Again, i never said that is great or anything, just said that it's just another job.

I've been following China for years. Did not say it had no religions. I effectively said it was anti-religious. If you think that's false just type in China and Muslims. You should probably try to get your news from non-state affiliated media.

Sounds like you have a personal bias against family ties. May I remind you, those people trying to "emotionally blackmail" her, had her, spent years of their lives teaching her and watching her grow, provided her with food, shelter and love (seeing how attached she is to them), and considering that she seems fairly well off, she most likely had a far more luxurious lifestyle growing up compared to the vast majority of people around the world including you and me. Taking that into account it is absurd to then just assume they would forget about her and she them and cut ties with each other. Society doesn't work that way everyone gives and receives. It is part of the social contract, receiving and never giving back tends to push people towards an outcast status. Not that abusive parents don't exist. There are times when it is justifiable to cut all ties, but I highly doubt ST-Peach is one of those cases.

Sure here you go based on a survey: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb..._campaign=1490&ito=social-twitter_dailymailus
Aside from that there's several posts about individual OF models stating that they are having difficulties finding partners. In fact a lot of people love making youtube videos about it since you can get easy views out of it. This is nothing new though as pornstars have talked about this issue for years. I remember seeing a video of Riley Reid crying about it on her youtube channel years ago. Though she does seem to have found someone now, so in the end it seems she did end up finding someone.

For OF mom here is anecdotal evidence:

For decreasing birth rates in the recent decades and increasing rates of single men (in US):

Yes the last two are not directly stated as connected with OF. But it is also true that recent years have seen a vast increase in "sex-positive" attitudes and social acceptance for OF. As well as increase in women setting up an OF account to earn money.

That being said as I mentioned we are just beginning to see the effects of this. Perhaps in 30-50 years we will see that these two were definitely related or perhaps we will see sex-work become normalized to the point where it becomes just another job. But again it certainly is not so black and white and there could be real consequences to it.

Finally I want to say that you are clearly biased and especially so because you want to see ST Peach nude. Now I also want to see her nude and doing sex acts. I wouldn't be here if I did not. But I believe the objective reality before us in our society is that she will most likely live a more fulfilling life if she stops here rather than if she escalates.

This will be my last post as it is not really the point of this thread.
I've been following China for years. Did not say it had no religions. I effectively said it was anti-religious. If you think that's false just type in China and Muslims. You should probably try to get your news from non-state affiliated media.

Sounds like you have a personal bias against family ties. May I remind you, those people trying to "emotionally blackmail" her, had her, spent years of their lives teaching her and watching her grow, provided her with food, shelter and love (seeing how attached she is to them), and considering that she seems fairly well off, she most likely had a far more luxurious lifestyle growing up compared to the vast majority of people around the world including you and me. Taking that into account it is absurd to then just assume they would forget about her and she them and cut ties with each other. Society doesn't work that way everyone gives and receives. It is part of the social contract, receiving and never giving back tends to push people towards an outcast status. Not that abusive parents don't exist. There are times when it is justifiable to cut all ties, but I highly doubt ST-Peach is one of those cases.

Sure here you go based on a survey: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb..._campaign=1490&ito=social-twitter_dailymailus
Aside from that there's several posts about individual OF models stating that they are having difficulties finding partners. In fact a lot of people love making youtube videos about it since you can get easy views out of it. This is nothing new though as pornstars have talked about this issue for years. I remember seeing a video of Riley Reid crying about it on her youtube channel years ago. Though she does seem to have found someone now, so in the end it seems she did end up finding someone.

For OF mom here is anecdotal evidence:

For decreasing birth rates in the recent decades and increasing rates of single men (in US):

Yes the last two are not directly stated as connected with OF. But it is also true that recent years have seen a vast increase in "sex-positive" attitudes and social acceptance for OF. As well as increase in women setting up an OF account to earn money.

That being said as I mentioned we are just beginning to see the effects of this. Perhaps in 30-50 years we will see that these two were definitely related or perhaps we will see sex-work become normalized to the point where it becomes just another job. But again it certainly is not so black and white and there could be real consequences to it.

Finally I want to say that you are clearly biased and especially so because you want to see ST Peach nude. Now I also want to see her nude and doing sex acts. I wouldn't be here if I did not. But I believe the objective reality before us in our society is that she will most likely live a more fulfilling life if she stops here rather than if she escalates.

This will be my last post as it is not really the point of this thread.

You did say tho, just read what you wrote, i never said that they were not against any kind of religion, every place is like that, on my country a lot of people are against a lot of religions that is not Christianity, mainly African-based religions.

I have nothing against family ties. I did a basic search on the internet about how was her childhood and found this "[...] She comes from a wealthy Christian family." So that explain all this distaste of what she's was doing. Again, i never said that they should just forget about her, but there's a difference between "emotionally blackmail" (I'm pretty sure that there's a better sentence, i just don't know) and "I may not agree with her decisions but I do care about her and hope she's happy/I wish the best things in life for her". Again, you treating her as a criminal that murdered someone, which is not the case, she is just doing something totally legal on the internet, she's not "not giving back", or whatever that means for you.

First of all, did you read that article that you sent, cuz i'd recommend that you would? Second, you don't tell me that some people might not want to see their partner getting fucked in a sex scene or selling nudes for other people??? Didn't expect that.

Again, did you saw the video? Or did you even read what i said? Never said that people wouldn't bully other people, but they do that anything for any reason, kids to be kids.

That's a classic case of Argument from ignorance, but i'll give you another example: Japan. Do they have a lot of OF/fansly creators too? Have you seen how porn is treat there? They even censor stuff cuz is "obscene" to not do, did that help in any way the birthrate there? It's just expensive and too much work to have a child so people just don't do it, same with a relationship, a lot of people feel pressured to do all that stuff (have sex, have a SO and so on), that's not the case anymore.

Just more Argument from ignorance.

Everyone is biased to something, i don't know exactly what you expect, but i don't care if STPeach does nude or not, i'd want that ofc, but there are plenty of models in the world that already does that. She won't do because of her family and how her family is, she might not even go back to of/fansly tbh.
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