• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations and are restricted.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and dont ask for re-ups.

Question Spankbang yt-dlp error


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
anyone know how to deal with spankbang givving 403 error on yt-dlp
i did yt-dlp [ url ]
403 error bla bla bla
try adding --legacy-server-connect

this worked for me
yt-dlp --force-ipv4 --cookies-from-browser firefox --legacy-server-connect -vF "https://spankbang.com/81sy6/video/japanese"

Make sure you change the browser name in --cookies-from-browser to your flavor of browser , options are available at https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp ... Open spankbank in your browser once ( during the session ) and yt-dlp will fetch the spankbang cookies from your browser...

Solution is from
try adding --legacy-server-connect

this worked for me
yt-dlp --force-ipv4 --cookies-from-browser firefox --legacy-server-connect -vF "https://spankbang.com/81sy6/video/japanese"

Make sure you change the browser name in --cookies-from-browser to your flavor of browser , options are available at https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp ... Open spankbank in your browser once ( during the session ) and yt-dlp will fetch the spankbang cookies from your browser...

Solution is from

[debug] Command-line config: ['--force-ipv4', '--cookies-from-browser', 'firefox', '--cookies', '/root/cookies.txt', '--legacy-server-connect', '-vF', 'https://spankbang.com/2mboh-kxynp1/playlist/jan+b+s+stable']

Extracting cookies from firefox

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp", line 8, in <module>



  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/__init__.py", line 1008, in main



  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/__init__.py", line 962, in _real_main

    with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py", line 678, in __init__

    self._request_director = self.build_request_director(_REQUEST_HANDLERS.values(), _RH_PREFERENCES)


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py", line 4088, in build_request_director



  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/functools.py", line 1001, in __get__

    val = self.func(instance)


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py", line 4019, in cookiejar

    return load_cookies(


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/cookies.py", line 91, in load_cookies

    extract_cookies_from_browser(browser_name, profile, YDLLogger(ydl), keyring=keyring, container=container))


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/cookies.py", line 108, in extract_cookies_from_browser

    return _extract_firefox_cookies(profile, container, logger)


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yt_dlp/cookies.py", line 133, in _extract_firefox_cookies

    raise FileNotFoundError(f'could not find firefox cookies database in {search_root}')

FileNotFoundError: could not find firefox cookies database in /root/.mozilla/firefox

I'm actually running ytdlp on a server that has no applications and got this error
in that case run it without --cookies-from-browser firefox

the error is being caused by yt-dlp looking for the cookies

Last line of error ---> FileNotFoundError: could not find firefox cookies database in /root/.mozilla/firefox

just use

yt-dlp --force-ipv4 --legacy-server-connect YOUR_URL

If nothing works open an issue ticket on the yt-dlp github or post in their discord
Last edited:
in that case run it without --cookies-from-browser firefox

the error is being caused by yt-dlp looking for the cookies

Last line of error ---> FileNotFoundError: could not find firefox cookies database in /root/.mozilla/firefox

just use

yt-dlp --force-ipv4 --legacy-server-connect YOUR_URL

If nothing works open an issue ticket on the yt-dlp github or post in their discord
still same error
wow yt dlp can rip sparkbang playlists?

Total newb here, outside of github readme any adivce on how to get this setup? Thanks.
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