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Support Shrinking files for mirroring

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Catpain Blackudder
Jun 21, 2022
I'm looking for confirmation of what the community rules imply: that it is not permitted to downscale/compress/resize files in order to mirror them on an upload site.

For example, I often see >2Gb files on Gofile mirrored onto Bunkr after being downsized to <2Gb, but the rules appear to outlaw this. Have I understood that right?
Mirroring is only allowed for Gofile and Pixeldrain links (Currently), so if you see those links being mirrored into smaller file sizes, yes, report them to be removed.
Mirroring is only allowed for Gofile and Pixeldrain links (Currently), so if you see those links being mirrored into smaller file sizes, yes, report them to be removed.
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