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Support Now that Pixeldrain is an unreliable host, what should I use for files over 2GB?


Mar 30, 2022
Looking over the recommended file hosts page, Saint, Bunkr, and Cyberdrop have file size limits, and Mega, Dropbox, and Yandex Disk have storage limits unless you buy a subscription. That leaves 1fichier, which works, but unfortunately doesn't have video previews like Pixeldrain does. I've also tried to use Cyberfile, but none of my files ever make it past 5% uploaded before there's an error.
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cyberfile doesnt work for me if i try to download with my browser, but if i download with jdownloader2 it works fine.

1fichier is good for big files, the downside is free accounts have to wait 1 hour between downloads (if you dont have a vpn).
What data loss?

Has been working fine, yes, there's a few slowdowns during peak hours even with SSD/NVME servers. But overall has been ok.
If I (while logged into my account) am the one downloading/playing the files I uploaded, does that reset the timer for the cleanup?
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