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Simp Chat Niece Waidhofer Discussion Thread

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What a weird rabbit hole that was. He's got this weird belief in his head that he's owed land, property, rights to warp speed formulas, empires, etc. He thinks that he and Niece are married and that he's majorly successful (most of the stuff I found is either articles written by him or paid cameos endorsing him).

If it wasn't for that Insta story hack I'd say he's just a delusional fan, but it's odd that happened. Hopefully it was just bad timing on his part to hack her account when this all happened and hopefully he's got nothing to do with it, but who knows.
If no official statement has been made it's also maybe because an investigation is going.
Too many weird things imo including that insta story that is really sync with her going off social medias.
We can also assume that her family want closure and spreading informations (whatever the reason behind her death is) over internet isn't going to help anyone
There’s any number of reasons why nothing has been said, but the most likely one is also the most mundane. Not every death is publicized online or even in print. Most people go with very little fanfare, mourned by a relatively small number of people. Not everyone publishes an obituary, and not every obituary goes online.

For the family to issue a statement, they would need to (1) know that Niece had a large internet following that would care about what happened to her, and (2) want to interact with that community at all in the midst of their own personal grieving. While #1 seems possible, I don’t see #2 happening at all. When a family member dies, your first thought it not “I’d better issue a press release.”

If you feel strongly enough to donate to a charity in her memory, then you should do it without needing to be told where. You presumably knew her well enough to know what mattered to her. Charity should be done for its own sake, not because someone will notice it.

I wish they would just lock this thread unless further information comes out. It’s just going in circles at this point.
There’s any number of reasons why nothing has been said, but the most likely one is also the most mundane. Not every death is publicized online or even in print. Most people go with very little fanfare, mourned by a relatively small number of people. Not everyone publishes an obituary, and not every obituary goes online.

For the family to issue a statement, they would need to (1) know that Niece had a large internet following that would care about what happened to her, and (2) want to interact with that community at all in the midst of their own personal grieving. While #1 seems possible, I don’t see #2 happening at all. When a family member dies, your first thought it not “I’d better issue a press release.”

If you feel strongly enough to donate to a charity in her memory, then you should do it without needing to be told where. You presumably knew her well enough to know what mattered to her. Charity should be done for its own sake, not because someone will notice it.

I wish they would just lock this thread unless further information comes out. It’s just going in circles at this point.
Honestly. I agree. It's awful that she passed away, especially considering how sudden it was. I'm not going to speculate on the cause.
If her family does release any sort of statement or something similar, the thread will be unlocked.
Its fucked up when you look at the beginnings of this thread with the overall shitty things alot of people said here attempting to call criticism and yall know exactly who you are . Then these nice good byes are just weird given the prior comments (even some from the very same accounts that couldnt resist saying just awful shit about her for no fucking reason which honestly pisses me off, but this aint about me )😐. theres a lot of take aways from all this, but i feel the biggest thing people who frequent here need to remember : hot takes that you believe are constructive criticisms that are mainly just excuses to be shitty to a person you believe owe you something really do hurt, Doesnt matter how minuscule you believe they are. Models , pornstars etc are real people and real people have a breaking point (regardless of how strong they seem) that will leave a family in grief for the rest of their time on this earth wondering “why didnt we see the signs” “are we at fault” “what could we have done” and many more questions they will never ever be able to answer.
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