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Support Mods editing threads


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Hey guys, was unsure of where to post about this. Recently made a thread in 3d which got truncated massively with the mod making edits to combine various posts i had made. each message basically tried to showcase the works of one artist so that additions could be made directly on them instead when they posted more content in HQ. the thread had a bit more replies (approx 17) and with the charachter being new, the thread will eventually turn into chaos. could someone perhaps talk to me bout this cause im thinking of asking for the thread to be broken up by a mod again once i figure out how to get in touch with a mod on this site

the thread in question is https://simpcity.su/threads/hogwarts-legacy.146837/
Hey guys, was unsure of where to post about this. Recently made a thread in 3d which got truncated massively with the mod making edits to combine various posts i had made. each message basically tried to showcase the works of one artist so that additions could be made directly on them instead when they posted more content in HQ. the thread had a bit more replies (approx 17) and with the charachter being new, the thread will eventually turn into chaos. could someone perhaps talk to me bout this cause im thinking of asking for the thread to be broken up by a mod again once i figure out how to get in touch with a mod on this site

the thread in question is https://simpcity.su/threads/hogwarts-legacy.146837/
Hey guys, was unsure of where to post about this. Recently made a thread in 3d which got truncated massively with the mod making edits to combine various posts i had made. each message basically tried to showcase the works of one artist so that additions could be made directly on them instead when they posted more content in HQ. the thread had a bit more replies (approx 17) and with the charachter being new, the thread will eventually turn into chaos. could someone perhaps talk to me bout this cause im thinking of asking for the thread to be broken up by a mod again once i figure out how to get in touch with a mod on this site

the thread in question is https://simpcity.su/threads/hogwarts-legacy.146837/

It's all about Farming rule. In this case we always merge post's posted in short time of period to avoid that. So that's why your post's was merged.
damn, my intention wasnt to farm.. just bring my ocd into porn for this relatvely new charachter. thanks for clearing though
Yea, we know that...So that's why u wasn't warned :). But rule's are pretty clear about those kind a stuff.

Thanks for the cools stuff tho :pokiJAM:
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