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Simp Chat Mikaela Fuente / Mikalafuente Simp Chat

Her ass is all fat. She doesn't have a muscular "squat booty" at all. I don't even think she even goes to the gym like that. In fact, that's why her ass is so above anyone else's. It's all fat and genetics.
Yes and no, Shes got good genetics on her side, which seems to keep most body fat in her butt. But she does seem to train and diet lightly, hence the small waist. It’s also highly likely her butt looks bigger because of both (muscle under the fat and maintaining a certain surplus of body fat). This will not be sustainable as she gets older, at which point she’ll have to lower her body fat considerably or start looking like shit. #justatheory
Her ass is all fat. She doesn't have a muscular "squat booty" at all. I don't even think she even goes to the gym like that. In fact, that's why her ass is so above anyone else's. It's all fat and genetics.
If you've been following her, you'd know she was an ice-skater when she was younger. She loves to dance. She has said she doesn't do weighted squats or deadlifts. She is definitely fit and trim.
Her ass is all fat. She doesn't have a muscular "squat booty" at all. I don't even think she even goes to the gym like that. In fact, that's why her ass is so above anyone else's. It's all fat and genetics.
yes that's what i mean, when you go through puberty your body develops muscles and that is why you have high metabolism during your later teen years. this is also why your metabolism slows down as you age, not because the metabolism ages but because the body loses muscle over time and muscles offset caloric intake so when your young you can eat alot and when you're old you cannot because less overall skeletal muscle.

And this is why i think her ass is deflating because her body is letting go of muscle. And no her ass is not all fat, then it would be saggy and shaped like a teardrop
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